Friday, January 26, 2024

Friday check in: estate sale part V, mug rugs, and the four-patches

 The fifth installment of Barb M's estate sale was Tuesday afternoon.  (See hereherehere, and here for the previous sales.)  A quick recap:  Barb passed away in 2018 and left a LOT of sewing stuff -- machines, thread, notions, patterns, kits, and FABRIC.  Barb's husband and family finally needed closure but couldn't deal with it all.  

Enter Paula who enlisted a group of her friends.  Since September they've had monthly sales, the first in Paula's garage and the others in a hotel meeting room.  It took until December to get everything out of the house.  They wash ALL the fabric at laundromats (they quickly realized that they risked burning out their home machines) and keep it in a storage unit.  

Each sale has benefited a different charity -- ovarian cancer research, Alzheimer's research, St. Jude, Make-a-Wish -- $7500 for for those four sales.  This month the beneficiary is  P.E.O.  I'm a P.E.O. so of course I had to go despite the crummy weather (rain and fog).

Paula (green), Lisa (the P.E.O.), and me with the other crew members.

Barb bought fabric by the bolt. The crew tears 2-yard pieces and then 1-yard pieces because long lengths get very tangled in the washer and dryer.  (They've got too much to process to fiddle with safety-pinning edges together.) 

2-yard pieces $5, 1-yard pieces 3 for $5, "squares" (FQ, half-yard) 10 for $5.  I passed on the many kits ($5 and $10).

Here's my haul.  I paid an average of $2.11/yd.

Paula predicts at least two more sales.  All of this has given a new meaning to my stash:  I'm building my legacy!  LOL.

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I assure you that I am sewing up some of said stash.

Speaking of P.E.O., I have another batch of mug rugs in the works.  These are ready for trimming and binding.  

I have to make a few more double four-patch blocks for this project.  Some of Barb's batiks are in the mix.

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday Can I Get a Whoop Whoop


  1. Nice are gonna need a bigger house pretty soon!!!

  2. That was a great sale on fabric. I love your spring mug rugs in the works. Are the flowers applique?

  3. My goal is to sew up my stash , so we need to get stitching! Those mug rugs are very nice, the green combinations are wonderful. Your double nine caught my eye. That would make a great RSC monthly block. Stay safe and sew on !

  4. My mind boggles at just having that as much fabric as you brought home, much less adding to your already amazing stash. Wow.

  5. It's amazing how quilters come together to help each other and the community. That's quite a haul.

  6. I would have salivated over those type sales and bought way too much up to about 5 years ago. Since then the reality of limited time and space have set in and I’ve started gradually paring down - not easy for me! Enjoy all those wonderful bargain purchases!! Gladi Porsche

  7. Paula is an absolute Amazon! I can't even imagine....

    I had to chuckle at my thought process as I read the following:
    "The crew tears 2-yard pieces and then 1-yard pieces because long lengths get very tangled in the washer and dryer." [Here I'm thinking, "Why not pin the edges of the long pieces before washing them?" Then I read further...]

    "(They've got too much to process to fiddle with safety-pinning edges together.)" [Ah. 'Nuf said.]

    Then I saw the picture of your haul! "Fuck me! OMG!!" (My brain has a very dirty mouth.) But, had I been in that position, knowing the proceeds would go to my favorite organization, I'd've done the exact same thing (and have, on many an occasion.)

    Bird 'Pie

  8. I adore your double 4Ps! And those mug rugs are adorable and making me wish for spring!

  9. At that price I'd have been buying too, I might not use it all in my lifetime but I'm going to spend a lot of time trying. As long as you have someone lined up to deal with it (and the thread, gosh, the price of thead!) then it's not wasted. The issue for me is when treasures end up in a skip through ignorance.

  10. Wow! What a deal for fabric! Such an excellent idea! I love your mug rugs and your 4 patch quilt!

  11. It's hard to pass on those kind of prices for stash additions. I'm trying to be better about curating my stash and only buying what I need to supplement my existing stash.

  12. How kind of Barb’s friends to help at the community and local charities as well as easing the burden of Barb’s family. So much stuff! Your haul would have been a huge stash to me.

  13. That is a labor of love - and a great way to raise funds for your charities!
    Love your Double 4 patches!!!


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