Sunday, January 21, 2024

Weekly update: cold weather, a birthday, in the mail almost, WIP + reading

 It's been cold everywhere in the U.S. this week.  I took a very brief walk from the parking lot to the lakefront to take a few photos.  (I was on my way home from the grocery store and not bundled up (face mask) to walk any farther.)  

When the cold settles in I am grateful for central heat and a garage for the car.  

I had an ophthamologist appointment on Monday. Hooray! Cataract surgery is scheduled for February.

Stevens turned 84 on Thursday.  He was pleasantly surprised when I told him that my FB post about his birthday had 111 likes and 87 comments.  

He's doing much better physically and was eager to get out to Rotary on Thursday morning.  

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I finished the Modern Quilt Guild mini quilt and will mail it to my assigned swap partner tomorrow.   

The swap instructions said 24" but this turned out to be 27" to get the design to work out.  

The concept is by Janice Gunner published in QNM, April 2002.  Someone in a blog post or on a FB group posted a photo of a project using the idea.  Deb began a project with the concept several years ago and I asked about it.  I have a near-complete run of QNM so it was easy to look it up.

Neckties aren't hard to work with once they are stabilized.  In fact, silk is tough stuff (think parachutes).  I quilted it with regular Aurifil using the serpentine stitch.  

Now that the necktie stash has been exposed I want to work with them again soon.  Not immediately, but not years and years from now.  

Work in progress, upstairs using the Singer 301 :  I have 103 out of 168 double four patch blocks.  Here are some of them. 

Work in progress, downstairs using the Janome: quilting the horizontal zipper quilt.  

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In 1981 Billie, Natalie, Mary Alice, and Helen were recruited to work for a clandestine operation called The Museum.  It  specialized in assassinating people who were or had been a danger to society. (Former Nazis, for example.)  Forty years later someone in The Museum has a contract on the quartet, accusing them of betrayal. The women reunite to clear their names and get revenge. It's a fun and fast-paced caper/thriller.

Linking up with Oh Scrap!  Sew and Tell  Design Wall Monday 


  1. I recognized this mini pattern! Isn't it fun! I found this pattern and I think I was the one in a linky party that posted it! Yours looks great! And yes that post about the birthday was Great!

  2. Good luck on your Friday cataract appointment...both DH and I see so much better since we had ours done!! Sounds like you had a good week;))) hugs, Julierose

  3. Happy, albeit now belated, birth day wishes to Stephens!
    I like the mini quilt design - almost like a log cabin but with a different twist.

  4. Your mini quilt turned out beautifully, so colorful! The book sounds like a really fun read. Hopefully you've got a warm up going on as we do. I'm so looking forward to seeing temps above freezing again.

  5. It's great to have the surgery. You will enjoy seeing better. Make sure you look at your fabric with the "done" eye and the "undone" eye to see how your color perception has changed too.

  6. a belated birthday to S. glad to hear he is improving...oh man those ties!!! all my scraps equal your ties scraps....great modern quilt! and adding book to my list!

  7. Happy Birthday to Stephens! I had cataract surgery just about a year ago, and am so glad to have had it done. It definitely improved my vision! Your mini made with the ties is beautiful! I'll enjoy seeing what else you do with those ties you've collected.

  8. I can't believe you have a stash of ties! What a great project to use them in. I've only used them in crazy quilting and have a tiny tiny stash of silk Christmas ties that I was always going to use to make Christmas stockings but never did. I really like that colorful D4P. Glad your husband is feeling better. After my cataract surgeries the blurry/foggy vision went away but overall I think my actual vision got a lot worse and I'm still wearing glasses but had to get a new prescription. One eye was near sighted and one eye was far sighted and after cataract surgery I guess they are closer to being the same-sighted. Good luck to you!

  9. You are so productive with so many wonderful projects. Alex Anderson of The Quilt Show has been doing neckties. You can see her free talks on Facebook. She made a mostly blue and pink heart quilt which isn't quite done. Happy Birthday to Stephens! Glad to hear he is doing well. Good luck on the cataracts. Mine are developing but not very bad yet.! I agree with your assessment of Indigo Way. Bonnie's had more of a secondary design with the red. I do like your colorway.


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