Sunday, August 11, 2024

Weekly update: beautiful weather

 The weather was glorious this weekend -- temperatures in the mid-70's, low humidity, and lots of sunshine.   We went out both Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

These are scarlet lobelia or cardinal flower.  I've found them in only two forest preserves (here, Sedge Meadow Canoe Launch)  though surely they grow in others.  The red is really red!   

We've visited Volo Bog when we've had enough time for the 26 not-very-direct-mile-drive.  Today was one of those days.  I hiked the entire trail -- 2.75 miles -- which took so long that I didn't take the boardwalk through the bog itself.  (See  this post from our visit this past May).  Yes, I had to push for that 2.75 miles but because it was cool and not-humid it wasn't bad.  

This was a section of the trail.  The floating walkway is very bouncy, it's narrow, and there are no handrails! 

Clockwise from upper left: monarda, boneset, nodding onion, rattlesnake master, elderberries, spotted joe pye weed, ironweed. Center:  sunshine through the trees. 

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I finished one of the wheelchair quilts and I'm quilting the border on the other.  (See Friday's post for the flimsies.) 

Here's where I'm stuck. 

One of my OMGs for August is to make a jumbo tote bag big enough, for example, to take quilts to a guild meeting.    

At the June workshop taught by Jane Sassaman (details here) I made most of the parts for one of the collaged moths.  I neatly folded those parts and all the fabric and put them in a box.  I knew I didn't want to make the entire wall hanging but I didn't want the partial moth hanging around forever.  Aha!  Why not use it for that jumbo tote bag?  

The moth was five pieces -- four wings and the body/head/antennae.  Jane doesn't use fusible web for her applique, but I added it.  ("Windowed" so there's just a ring of fusible around the edges.) I used satin stitch to sew the edges down.

Uh-oh.  The applique comes all the way to the selvage.  I  intended to have a top margin of 1-1/2".  I can't rip out the applique. I can't cut it away.   I'll need to carefully sew a strip along the top edge. 

I couldn't find the jumbo tote pattern I used a couple of years ago so I have been proceeding without one.  However, this evening I found another, similar pattern and I'm going to use it as a guideline.   

Linking up with  Sew and TellOh Scrap! and  Design Wall Monday.

P.S.  Evening sewing time is TV time. 

We binged two seasons of Under the Vines, a "dramedy" (drama + comedy) about a vineyard in New Zealand.  There's a third season in the works, which is good because the second season ended with a cliffhanger.

It's on Acorn.


  1. lovely moth will make a gorgeous bag....i am heavy into using up stuff that's vegetating around in drawers, boxes, time like the here finally nice as well..thanks for sending it!

  2. I hope the nice weather holds for another week as we will be in the area for a 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  3. Looks like you made the most of the nice weekend weather. The moth is really cool, hopefully you can get it showcased nicely in the bag.

  4. The moth is beautiful. I hope you can carefully add the extra fabric. I was going to offer measurements from a large tote I have...but you found another source. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  5. Ohh, love your moth! Windowed--I never heard that term before but it's how I always do fusible web, too. Interesting term. I'm looking forward to seeing your tote finished!

  6. That looks like a neat place for a hike! So many wildflowers. Good luck with your tote - that moth block is a beauty. The tote is a great way to use it!

  7. Could you back the moth with a larger piece of fabric and then zig zag across the top edge to 'marry' them together? Sort of like making a border. Not a good explanation of what I'm thinking is it!!

  8. One of my sons has a marathon in your area (I think...) in September - hope some of those wild flowers are still showing off.



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