Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday check in: a flimsy and a half


A post to a local FB group yesterday drew my attention to this stone circle on the lakefront at North Point Marina.

I didn't realize that it is an art installation.  It was created in 1990 by Marcia Weese as an homage to the prairie.  

The quotations continue around the circle.

I took photos of all of them. (Twenty or so.)  

Apparently the intent was to have prairie flowers and grasses in the center, but it hasn't been maintained that way. 

There are other sculptures at the marina that I'll need to explore.  

# # # # # 

The quilting week began on Monday when Stevens and I took a semi-field trip to Wisconsin.    When he served the church in Campbellsport (1999-2008) he bought two pages of an old atlas that depicted Campbellsport in the mid 1800's and had them framed. We haven't hung them on the walls here, nor do we want to, so we dropped them off at the Campbellsport Public Library.  We then drove a little north, a little west, and then south to Beaver Dam. (That's to go around Horicon Marsh.)  I delivered my quilt for the Wisconsin Quilt Expo to the Nancy Zieman Sewing Studio .  Yes, I could have mailed both the quilt and the pictures, but the field trip was a nice outing. We left at 9 a.m. and were home by 3 p.m. with lunch at a restaurant in Waupun.

In the studio:   I've written about my contribution to the guild charity challenge. To qualify for prizes the quilts must follow this specific pattern (10" square-in-square blocks) and be made ONLY from fabric donated to the guild (blocks, border, back, binding).  They are wheelchair sized and will go to a nursing home. 

This one counts -- all donated.

It will be my entry in the contest. 

This doesn't because I added some from my stash (the coral and four of the yellow corners).   


BUT I'll have two others to show off next month.   

The SIS blocks created cut-away triangles.  I sewed them and trimmed them to 4.5" 

 Look what I've done with them! 

These are also wheelchair-sized for the guild charity.   

Once again: the coral print and some of the yellow is from my stash.  The remainder is from the guild donation fabric.  


Linking up with Finished or Not Friday


  1. wow plenty of eye candy..what an interesting circle installation...too bad about the wildflowers, they would have put it over the top...ooh a field trip, now that sounds like fun!

  2. That sounds like a great day out - we love a scenic drive with a stop for the sights and lunch! Your SIS blocks are so neat with their different colored corners. Fun and colorful designs!

  3. Would love to see that circle installation but it's too bad about the wildflowers. It would be nice if several people got together and bought some seed packets and scattered them around. Some of them would 'take' and spread I'm sure.
    Hmmmm - I think your other quilts should qualify for the challenge because after all you 'donated' your own fabric.

  4. What are your dimensions for wheelchair quilts? I like to back mine with flannel to keep them from slipping off the lap.

  5. Your donation quilts made great use of the guild fabrics and pattern. Great job! You always have such interesting daily walks.

  6. Very colorful wheelchair quilts. It's a challenge to use only the fabric from a kit. I've not done any of our guild projects yet, but am always so amazed at how other members make the most of that fabric and produce some gorgeous donation quilts.

  7. Congratulations on making the Great Wisconsin Quilt Show. I will look forward to seeing it there like last year. It is nice to know someone who enters. You have so many wonderful hobbies: hiking, reading and of course, quilting. Awesome!

  8. Neat to see all the sis tops. It's interesting to see how different the same block looks using different colors.

  9. I’m impressed that you quilt your own lap quilts. I feel that I “should” but don’t enjoy it so mostly I don’t.


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