Monday, June 10, 2024

Weekly update: workshop, component parts, and bargains

Dorothy asked if I had any queen-sized or thereabouts quilts available.  I had two that might do, and when the AAUW book group met at her retirement complex on Wednesday I took them.  She liked them both and bought  this one .  "It sleeps well," she reported.

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I gave myself a birthday-month treat on Saturday.  A guild in the next county had openings for a workshop with Jane Sassaman.  (Thank you, Ann, for your encouragement!) My calendar was open and V was available to take care of Stevens. 

Jane used her Moths and Moons pattern to teach us her applique technique.   She is an experienced and patient teacher.

The supply list called for 10 FQ of coordinating prints.

Here's my class project in process.

These are by other class participants.

It was nice to see Sue Daurio again.  I found out later that another participant is the sister of an AAUW friend. 

Jane brought some of her other quilts to show us.  

She had FQ bundles of her Free Spirit fabrics and, yes, I bought some.  (My birthday treat, remember?  
As though I need an excuse....)

I got home shortly after 4 p.m.  All went well for Stevens and V.  

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each round features the neutral batik

My June OMG is to make a tote bag to take to the ALA conference at the end of the month. 

I finished the 2019 guild round robin (here) for the May OMG.  The 2018 guild round robin was still in the box.  The proportions bothered me: the wide band of red, the wide margins of the blue, and then the teeny checkerboard squares (those are all pieced!) at the two ends.

Well, it wasn't going anywhere the way it was so I unstitched it into its component parts. 

Some of these will become this month's tote bag.  You'll need to come back to see which ones. 

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In April I went to  an estate sale in our neighborhood .  The basement had boxes and boxes and boxes of fabric -- 99.9% of which was polyester double knit.  I got some cool stuff but NO double knit.  This weekend they had another sale.  These photos are of the basement.  The upstairs was less crowded than it had been, but there was still a lot.   ("My grandma started a lot more than she finished," admitted the grandson on basement duty.)

It was "fill a box for $10" and I did.  

I got more Scholastic/Tab books for my friend Betsy.  (I was tempted to keep the three Katie John books but I didn't.)  

I got an 8-yard bolt of Christmas border print. 

And all these trims, most still in the cellophane wrappings. 

Most are Wright's, Boiltex, or Trimtex. Some are J. C. Penney. Some are Talon.  

These companies are new to me.   Price, Shimmin, and Kalal was a wholesale notions company.  Most likely this rick rack was made by another company and repackaged for PSK.  

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Linking up with Sew and Tell Oh Scrap! Design Wall Monday

P.S.  Remember iron-on hem tape?  The fusible strips didn't hold very well!  


  1. What an interesting walk through cultural history -- I have seam binding tapes from my grandma. Do you plan to use your strips? I don't think I have used any of them but there weren't that many. Love those butterflies. In fact all of them look so different what with everyone's fabric choices.

  2. You find the best estate sales! I love the Christmas fabric you bought. Your box must have been very heavy with all those books. The Jane Sassaman class looks fascinating! I look forward to seeing your moth all together.

  3. You've had a busy week! Fun to get a peek at all of it. The Moth and Mom project is gorgeous! I like all the component parts from your 2019 project taken apart - I'll enjoy seeing how you use them.

  4. yeah iron on tape not the greatest invention...lovely class samples, anxious to see the finish

  5. You have the greatest success with estate sales for finding fabric and now kids books. How do you do it?! I need some pointers. Or maybe I will just have to travel down to your spots. And I am so jealous of your Jane Sassaman workshop. What an amazing inspiration she is and what a great quilt top you made. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, belatedly.

  6. Moons and Moths is going to be goregeous. So glad you got to give yourself a couple of birthday treats. I have a bin full of trims from my high school and college days when I made a lot of my own clothes. They come out occassionally to help Grad Girl with some project.

  7. Your moth looks wonderful! And once more you've lucked out at an estate sale.

  8. That appliqué is stunning. I don't think estate sales are anywhere near as much of a thing around here, I have only ever seen one advertised? Or I'm looking in the wrong places. Probably just as well but it sounds like such fun.


  9. What a fun birthday gift for yourself--both the class and the beautiful, bright fabric! I'm looking forward to seeing your moth when it's finished. It looks great so far. Happy Birthday!
    You're a very patient person to unstitch those long seams, but your tote bag will be stunning, I'm sure.
    You have great estate sales in your area!


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