Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Midweek: cranes, estate sale again!, and a sneak peek


Mr. and Mrs. Crane ambled through a back yard a couple of blocks away.  I saw them because someone else was taking a photo.   

I was en route to month #11 of Barb M's estate sale.  Paula and her friends took July off.   Months 1-10 have raised $20,000 for local charities.  Proceeds this month go to Bricks of Hope which provides Lego sets to seriously ill kids.  (Read the founder's story about how having Legos to play with when he was treated for childhood leukemia.)  

My purchases at home.   $2.59 per yard this time.  

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This is the fourth out of six months for the guild round robin.   I used the Studio 180 Split Rects ruler to make the units for LT's quilt top.   The RR is a surprise so I can't show you the entire piece, but I really like the colors in this one!

I have two small projects, neither of which is on my OMG list but both of which need to get done soon.  As I root through the stash to select fabrics I am distracted by so many ideas for other projects.    I hope to have something to show you on Friday!  

See what other quilters are blogging about at Wednesday Wait Loss and Midweek Makers


  1. Those cranes are divine! Imagine that. We have deer sometimes in our backyard. Happy sewing.

  2. Month #11, how many more months will it take to have all of the fabric sold? It looks like you found some pretty ones again. How neat to see the cranes walking through backyards. The most interesting thing I ever had in my backyard was Mallard ducks one day.

  3. You sound like me! I'm participating in a neighborhood yard sale next month, so I went down to the studio to see what I could get rid of. Instead, I spent my time reviewing all my UFOs and designing new ones.

  4. WOW!! What beautiful cranes!! I've never seen one in the wild; we see a lot of snowy egrets here in the marshes though--beautiful too. hugs, Julierose

  5. Green and yellow look so good together. Excited for the reveal of the round robins. We have sand cranes here and I think they sound like what I imagine pterodactyls would. :)

  6. I would use a specialty ruler too to make those rectangles - to make sure they turn out correctly.

  7. Those cranes are a great sight! Love your pile of estate sale finds, too. You're good at that! Looks like the special ruler is really helpful to make those HRTs - I haven't made any of those yet.

  8. The cranes are really cool. I love their long, long legs. Your Guild round robin is very pretty, love the colors. Good luck with your small projects. It is hard to not come up with new projects when one is pulling fabrics from the stash. I'm trying to use that urge to finish some of the UFOs, so there is some room to play next year.

  9. Love those fabrics you've chosen for your Round Robin! Can't wait to see the whole thing.

  10. We have a pair of cranes in the park behind our house, and the babies! Little miniatures of the parents! Love to see and hear them. The colors of the quilt are really pretty and another score with fabric. I got a little bag of fabric this morning at the thrift store for $3. Just over a meter total so for me that's a deal. :o)

  11. another pretty pile! i hear ya! rummaging thru stash for a particular piece i too get lots and lots of ideas...trying to stand firm with current things is no easy task eh?

  12. It will be interesting to see the round robin project more completely - love the clear bright colors and that floral print contrasted with the small geometric one. And of course the cranes!


  13. How exciting to have those cranes in your neighbourhood! And yet another addition to your stash...oh my.


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