Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Midweek: it's a flimsy and the bonus + reading

 The refrigerator is fixed!   The repairman came yesterday afternoon.  He plugged it in and it started cooling again.  That's similar to Karen N's comment on my post last Friday (=turn off three days, vacuum below and behind).  I was told to turn it off for 24 hours, which I did, but it didn't come back on.  By the time the repairman came it had been off three days.   Neighbor Mike came over to observe and now we both know!

Our AAUW summer luncheon was at noon yesterday.  We have a silent auction to benefit our local scholarship.  I contributed two dozen books to the always-popular book table and a quilt (a benefit of having donation-quilts-on-hand).  I bought two paperbacks ($1 each).  Fortitude!

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In the studio:  

The scrappy lozenges are assembled.  The border is a Marimekko stripe that I got in a destash several year ago.  68 x 80, 5-1/4 yards.

I trimmed and pressed all of the cutaway HSTs.  

I had a small stack of 3-1/2" fussy cut squares left over after making this quilt .

Here's what the combination looks like. 

6-1/2" unfinished. If I use all 288 cutaways that's 36 blocks. 

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This was so refreshing!   Sure, a lot was predictable (the poor relation is taken under the wing of an impetuous and intrepid gentlewoman; the gentlewoman's brother is a disabled veteran; misunderstandings occur; love wins the day in the end) but all the characters are so well-written and engaging!  A perfect novel for summertime.

Linking up with Midweek Makers Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. ok i like scrappy lozenges needed that stripe in the border to tone down the red a bit...and fortitude? tapering off are we? lol....

  2. Yay for fixed refrigerators!! Who knew it would take three days to reset itself. I think I'd be keeping a good eye on it though, just to be sure it doesn't happen again.
    I really like your latest quilt because I've always been partial to scrappy.

  3. Congrats on walking out with just 2 books. It's a sickness in our famliy. Any bookstore is hazardous to My Guy and Grad Girl, it's rare they walk out with anything less than 3 books each. Wonderful scrappy quilt and your offcut version looks to be equally fun.

  4. I do like that lozenge top, the pattern really shows up and the colors make it very interesting ! Yay!

  5. What a wonderful scrappy top! Love those bonus blocks. So pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Love the blocks from the cutaways! Happy to read your fridge is working!

  7. So glad to hear about the fridge! We've unplugged and replugged in many devices, but I wouldn't have thought about doing it with a refrigerator. Your scrappy lozenges quilt is so fun! I love that border - and the bonus stars, too. Have you read The Frozen River? I couldn't put it down!

  8. Wow! from design wall to flimsy! I call that progress. Looks great! I will have to check out your book.

  9. So, the rule of thumb is "wait until all the food is spoiled, then turn the frig back on and it'll work! Sounds about right. Your lozenges quilt top is so pretty, and the bonus star blocks are wonderful!

  10. Hooray for a refrigerator that works again! I hope you didn't lose too much food. Our dryer just died yesterday but at least clothes will dry by themselve on a line outside or hung in a rack inside. Not like trying to keep food cool!
    I like your lozenges quilt with all those wonderful scraps and love your stars. They are fabulous with those fussy-cut squares and all the bright fabrics.
    Thanks for the book recommendation. It's popular in our library system: I'm 86th on the wait list. I'll look forward to reading it in a month or so.

  11. I'm just loving your lozenge quilt and the stars are fantastic! Thanks for the book suggestion! Have a great weekend!


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