Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday check in: a letter to the editor, a luncheon, and a flimsy


The great cicada confluence is upon us. 

 Every 221 years the 13-year and 17-year locust broods emerge at the same time.  The 13-year brood is southern and gets into central Illinois. The 17-year brood is midwestern and gets -- here.  "Here" meaning towns about 10 miles south of where we live.   We haven't seen or heard them in the neighborhood.  

My cicada story was published in the Chicago Tribune on Wednesday.  

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Marie Antoinette visited the Clara Cummings Book Club luncheon yesterday.   She dispelled many of the legends/rumors that were prevalent during her reign and have continued for 200 years.  (I watched the Masterpiece Theater series about her last year and learned a lot from that, too.)    Reenactor  Martina Mathisen previously portrayed Edith Head for CCBC in 2022.

This was the final CCBC for the season.

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In the studio:  the "kit rescue" I wrote about on Wednesday is now a flimsy.   I pinned it against the windowpane pattern backing fabric because the light gray border didn't show up on the design wall.

As I said, I wanted to use only the fabric in the kit.  There wasn't enough gray for setting triangles so used a straight set.  [Sure, I could have used that windowpane for setting triangles but I wanted to keep the sleeker vibe of the Kaffe setting. Also, on-point would make it larger than I want to quilt.]

But now I have a lightning-round project: a quilty something for a friend's 60th birthday this coming Monday.   I've got an idea . . . 

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday   Enjoy the holiday weekend!



  1. I love to hear the cicadas, but would definitely not want them flying around my head! Love your letter to the editor, though. The kit quilt turned out wonderfully. Good luck on your quilt gift this weekend!

  2. I was 15 the summer of 1956 and lived on a farm with Apple, Elm, and Cottonwood trees. I don't remember any Cicadas in my childhood. The first time I was aware of them my daughter was 8 and when we walked downtown in Sandwich one day the sidewalk was littered with them. She was freaked out by them.
    I don't think that quilt would have been any prettier in an on point setting.

  3. I find cicadas fascinating - a miracle of nature! Sadly we won't have any but the annual ones here this year and my Illinois kids are out of town (although they invited me to stay at their house for the cicadas; as it turns out their town doesn't seem to have them either). Looking forward to your lightening project!


  4. 1990: fairly sure I was in Maryland then with 2 small boys, ages 2 and 6. What's not to love about loud bugs with red eyes?

    Bird 'Pie

  5. I can see why the cicadas would be traumatic for a small child (congrats on being published, btw). I know we have them here but I don't think in the sheer volume that there are other places. Interesting how they seem to be able to tell time.

  6. Kit rescue is amazing! I like it !!! and congrats for your *publications* that is super cool . I do not like cicadas either - or miller moths... the bane of summer l(


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