Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Midweek: estate sale, v. 9 + kit transformation

Yesterday was month #9 of Barb M's estate sale and I couldn't NOT go.   Paula and her helpers have become friends over the months.  Several quilting friends were among the shoppers.  The proceeds benefit a different charity each month, this time Kenosha food pantries.  From September to April they've given away $15,500 after expenses (storage unit, hotel meeting room, laundering).   Of course I don't *need* any more fabric!  

40 yards by weight, $2.00 per yard.

Also, two packages of printer fabric for $5.00.

These vintage blocks were $15.  120 6", 250+ 4". I will  donate them to the endowment fundraiser for the American Quilt Study Group.  (I sent these blocks to the event coordinator last week.)

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In the studio:  

I won a "mystery quilt kit" at the guild raffle this month. The box was sealed so I didn't know what I'd find.  There was a pattern and all the fabric:  a layer cake and yardage. 

I wasn't wild about the pattern and found another design in a Kaffe book.

I'm determined to use ONLY the fabric that was in the kit.  This is all the layer cake provided.   I may have a different setting.  Gotta think about this for a while.

Linking up with Midweek Makers

Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. That's awesome that you have gone to the estate sale and found items to donate! It's great that the proceeds are being donated to charities. Maybe you could add some plain-ish blocks to your pieced blocks to work in the pattern? just an idea... :)

  2. You ought to open your own fabric shop! I think maybe the acquisitions are outpacing the outgoing lately.

  3. ooh those little blocks are gorgeous...will be gleefully received no doubt....good luck with the layer cake...and looks like you had a plan with the new stash...lots of maroonish pieces...that plaid is soo pretty...and some fine neutrals too

  4. That is an amazing amount of money to be generated from a quilter's stash! So wonderful that they are donating all the proceeds to different charities, too. I like your new blocks - they look 3 dimensional!

  5. it's hard to pass up good fabric for a good price. My fabric stash is just about to exceed my storage space, so it's been easier to say no to new fabric.

  6. Love the pattern you chose for the mystery. It'll be fun to see it come together. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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