Monday, May 27, 2024

Weekly update: wildflowers, pancakes, and a butterfly finish


Wildflowers at Pine Dunes Forest Preserve on Saturday:  blue wild indigo, blue-eyed grass (up close), spiderwort, longbract wild indigo, shagbark hickory, cow parsnip, white wild indigo, hoary beardtongue, blue flag iris.

I remember how long the 2-1/2 mile trail loop seemed when I first walked it. Three years later it's a nice distance.

We enjoyed the fire department's annual pancake breakfast on Sunday.  

It rained yesterday and showers (and cool temps) are in the forecast today so we may not make it to the Memorial Day parade.  

But later on today our friend  Cheri is celebrating her 60th birthday  with a book launch and an open house.

I will not go empty-handed.  

This is the lighting-fast project I mentioned on Friday.  It's done in time for Cheri's birthday party. 

34 x 44.  

I'm calling it The Butterfly Effect which essentially says that a small event may have much larger consequences.  (If you look it up you'll discover that there is more to it, but I'm going to stick with the simple, popular explanation.)

Jan Mullen's "stargazey" book was one of the fifty-cent purchases at the estate sale last weekend.  

It took a while for me to shift into wonky mode.   

I had fun revisiting the bin of well-aged bright prints and adding a few Kaffes to the mix. 

The back is also well-aged.  I bought it at Barb M's estate sale. (Those two-yard cuts have been great for quilt backs.)

Linking up with Design Wall Monday  Oh Scrap! Sew and Tell

 P.S.  Book reviews coming on Wednesday.


  1. What a delightful little wuh!

    Bird 'Pie

  2. ooh love the quilt and the book looks interesting too...there is something to be said for the convenience of shopping the stash at a moment's notice...

  3. I find it much harder to do planned wonky than nice precision pieced blocks. I have a started quilt from the time Jan's book was published. Camille Remme also had a book with wonky butterflies so I used ideas from both books. I should get it out and put the pieces on the design wall. Maybe it has aged long enough.

  4. Pretty wildflowers! Love your wonky butterfly quilt, too. That looks like the perfect gift for your friend!

  5. Sounds like a very nice walk with beautiful scenery. The butterfly quilt is very cute, you picked the perfect fabrics for those bright butterflies.

  6. I love the flutter-bye quilt and I'm sure your friend was thrilled with it.

  7. Love the butterfly quick quilt!!! I remember making some of those blocks from that book!


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