Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday check in: ruby cobblestones flimsy

 Thank you, all who commented on my cataract surgery.  Post-op yesterday concluded all is well, with another bottle of eyedrops and a chart to remind me when to use which.  If I put my glasses on, with the trifocal lens on the left and nothing on the right, I see at two levels.  Today I'm not wearing eyeglasses at all.  My right eye is doing the seeing and my left eye is providing binocular balance (it's too nearsighted to see anything clearly).   

Fortunately I can see to sew! 

 Here is the cobblestones flimsy.  3-7/8" yards used.  The blocks are 5" finished.  

I've gotten many 2-yd pieces of batik at Barb M's estate sale, just right for borders. 

[How a propos. The motif in the lower row, second column, left side looks like an eye!  You can see the piece it was cut from on the quilt back  in this post  ]

The setting was inspired by this design in the April 2024 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting.  

Designed by Cindy Hargrove who hand-pieced all the 3" Lemoyne Stars. 

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday


  1. Cobblestones is really lovely--nice work on this!! Glad to hear that you can see now. hugs, Julierose

  2. Your cobblestone quilt top looks great with the red sashing.

  3. QDjulie - hooray for successful post op appointments!

  4. Glad your post-op is going well! Cobblestones is looking great with that wonderful border fabric. I loved the pictures you posted the other day of you and your baby sister. Our internet has been nearly nonexistent for the past two weeks so haven't been able to keep up with blog reading much less commenting. "

  5. Glad the cataract surgery and post-op went well. Love your cobblestone quilt. Congrats on the flimsy!

  6. Are colors different? I was amazed at my walls--I'd come to believe mine were teal, when in fact I had painted them a pale blue years ago.

    Glad the recovery is going smoothly!

    Bird 'Pie

  7. glad all went ruby cobblestones...perfect sashing and border fabric

  8. Recovery from any procedure isn't fun, so glad to hear that you are doing well. The red sashing really makes those blocks shine. A very cool setting for a very colorful quilt.

  9. Cobblestones is a great flimsy. Interesting differences and similarities to the quilt you used for inspiration. It's a great setting also. When does eye #2 get its lens? It is really hard to see/function with just one good eye and the other lagging behind. It seems like you've hardly taken a break for the surgery.

  10. Yay - so glad your procedure went well and that you're able to sew!

  11. I love it! What a great top! The border is perfect. You are so good at finding resale fabric to add to your stash. So glad you are able to see enough to sew after the surgery.

  12. Glad it all went well and you are healing! your cobblestones is amazing!


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