Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Midweek, part 2: Valentine's Day etc., back to batiks, and a good book

 Today is momentous.  Most important?  I've been a big sister for 70 years today!  

Secondly:  cataract #1 w
as done at 11:30 this morning.  The surgery was as quick as everyone has said.  I'm a bit woozy from the Valium and the eye stings a little.  They warned that because my eyes are light blue the mega-mega dilation may not wear off until tomorrow.

I'm not supposed to drive for three days so we are relying on friends.  (Stevens no longer drives.)  I've done some cooking ahead. We will not starve. 

I wish I'd kept the Singer301 set up in the living room because I am not supposed to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for 24 hours. 

And thirdly:   today is Ash Wednesday.  We'll miss tonight church service (no driving).  I usually give up buying fabric for Lent but I don't think I'll manage (the next round of the big estate sale is next week).  Instead I'm going to focus on giving, rather than giving up.

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In the studio:  I took a break from the goals list and made more batik cobblestone blocks, inspired by Wanda's recent project.  My blocks turned out to be small slab blocks, 5.5" unfinished.  Here they are en masse, with a dozen more to come.  I know what the actual setting will be.  Come back to see it. 

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To the Best of Our Knowledge (Wisconsin Public Radio) included an interview with Lucy Jane Bledsoe as part of a show about Antarctica.   I enjoyed her commentary and promptly put her novel on hold. It came in a couple of days later.  I was surprised that it was published in 2010; it was new to me.

People sign up for a stint on the Ice, as those who know call it, to do many things, but fundamentally to find themselves by going to, literally, the end of the earth.   For Rosie, a galley worker in her third season, it was to escape her broken family.  For Mikala, a musician with a grant to write an Antarctic-themed symphony, it was to confront her long-absent father (a cosmologist researcher also on the Ice).  For Alice, a geology PhD candidate, it was to do significant fieldwork with pristine rocks but also get away from her stifling, emotionally needy mother.    These three women, with no previous connection, become the unlikeliest of friends and protectors. 

Bledsoe has traveled to the Ice on three arts/writers' fellowships so she knows the story.  I hadn't thought about how many people it takes to run the camps and bases in support of all the scientists.  It's a world within a world.

Linking up with Midweek Makers  Wednesday Wait Loss

P.S.  Two other new-sister pictures.  


  1. glad all went those batik form and so pretty! cataract surgery is ahead for me but not for a while i've been told...

  2. Love those sweet photos! Happy birthday to your sister. So glad your surgery went well and you are on the mend. Love your idea of giving more during Lent--better I think than giving up! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. I knew somebody who went down there. He had many stories to tell. Don't think I could do it!!

  4. Hope the dilation didn't last a full day. The book sounds interesting. You normally give up buying fabric for Lent? That's definitely a sacrifice! But I think giving back works too.

  5. So glad your surgery is over and that it went well. I imagine you're hugely relieved that it's over. You'll be amazed at how much better your vision will be (I do recommend that you have sunglasses handy when you're out in the sun because, at least in my case, my eyes seem extra sensitive to it).

  6. Glad to hear your first surgery went well - my husband had his done last summer and continues to be delighted by the improved vision. I'm tempted but the dilation triggers other stuff for me and I'm leery. Maybe give up something else for Lent (scrubbing bathrooms?) - those estate sales sound too good to miss.


  7. Your batik blocks look great! I'm happy to hear your eye surgery went well. I haven't had cataract surgery yet and I'm a little apprehensive about it.


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