Sunday, November 5, 2023

Weekly update, part 2: spelling bee, a memorable concert, and a finished quilt

 Be sure to read the preceding post about the Fine Art of Fiber show! 

On Thursday evening we learned a new word: cicerone. ("A guide who gives information about antiquities and places of interest to sightseers." Pronounced "sisseroney.") I will never forget it because it's the word our Zion Woman's Club team busted out on at annual the Corporate Community Spelling Bee. (We came in third.)

Upper left: ZWC's team was three librarians: Steffi was ZBPL's children's librarian and a trustee and Deb is the media specialist at ZBTHS. (The library had its own team of current staff members.) Upper right: Cheri, the township supervisor, is one of Steve's fans. Lower left: I donated a quilt to the raffle. Lower right: ZWC staffed the raffle table.

Friday evening brought more memorable entertainment at Waukegan's magnificent Genesee Theater.  

They played all the favorites and the audience sang along. The byplay between the two was great fun. Peter is 85 and Paul is 86.

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?, Blowin' in the Wind, If I Had a Hammer -- the songs are as relevant now as they were in the 1960s.

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In the studio: On the Grid is finished!

I showed the block construction in last week's update.

Here's the back: the rosy pink and the upper right print are from last month's estate sales. The lower left has been in my stash for ages.

Linking up with Oh Scrap!  Sew and Tell

Design Wall Monday

P.S.  Thirty years ago this weekend I flew from Portland to Fargo to interview at the Fargo Public Library . I had never been to North Dakota before. Two weeks later Stevens and I flew from Portland to Bismarck for his interview at the Bismarck UCC. He had never been to North Dakota, either. (And ten weeks later we moved!)


  1. nice quilt 'on the grid'.....what great memories in those glad the good singers keep on doing their thing...

  2. What fun, seeing Peter and Paul still performing after all these years. I remember seeing them with Mary at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo in the late 1960s. We went every year to see them in that venue, I can hear Mary's powerful voice in my mind even now. Still have some of their LPs too.

  3. Oh what fun to go see Peter and Paul, and sing along, too! That's amazing that they are still performing. On the Grid is a neat design, and beautiful finish!

  4. Oh just love that rosy background fabric--and sounds like you've had such a fun time at that Spelling Bee. thanks for the new word, too. Hugs, Julierose

  5. Not that it matters, but which Portland?

    Those backing fabrics look like a match made in heaven. How nice to release the oldest piece into the wild!

  6. Still listen to Peter, Paul, and Mary. We do miss Mary but what a blessing to be able to see them! They never stop fighting for what is right! Love the quilt and the backing!!! Sending hugs!

  7. That must have been an amazing concert! So wonderful that they're still performing at their ages.

  8. Sounds like you had a very fun weekend.

  9. That On the Grid quilt looks awesome. What a wonderful design.


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