Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Midweek: show entry + OMG August

Monday's mail brought good news.  45 RPM has been accepted for the Great Wisconsin Quilt Show .  I'm going to the show on September 8 with a bus group organized by an LQS.  
This post tells more about the quilt design.

I don't have any must-quilt projects right now so I took the Janome, my primary machine,  to the shop for an overdue cleaning.  I regularly remove lint from the bobbin area and the feed dogs but I have a suspicion that there's gobs of lint down below  I set up Sweetness, the Singer 301, and she's humming away.

Another torn-from-a-magazine pattern inspired me to cut into the Australian aboriginal prints I've acquired. 

The pattern has 6" finished blocks.  Mine will be 8".  I don't know if I'll add sashing or make a border like the pattern.  Right now I'm just having fun selecting contrasting prints for each block. 

As for the August OMG:    I'll go easy on myself with "something yellow" for this month's RSC color.

Linking up with Midweek Makers  Wednesday Wait Loss OMG at Elm Street Quilts


  1. That is a fun block to show off the Australian fabrics.

  2. Aycaramba!! Those aboriginal fabrics are gorgeous. Probably like large they all go together...

  3. A new month! I think I'll unearth my 301 ( and get her humming too. Is Ellie keeping you company this week?

    Bird 'Pie

  4. How fun to get to exhibit your work! Whoop!!! Love those new blocks...I have none of those prints, but always think I need some!

  5. Congratulations on getting your quilt accepted for the quilt show. It's a great quilt with a delightful name.

  6. Congratulations on having your quilt accepted for the show! The block you chose for the aboriginal prints showcases them perfectly.

  7. Yay for getting your quilt accepted into the show! I'm looking forward to seeing the AU quilt as it develops. Great design for special fabrics.

  8. Congrats and good luck with your goal.

  9. Love those blocks! This is going to be such a pretty quilt. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell Wednesday Wait Loss.


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