Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Midweek: a finish for OMG August + wildflowers + reading

I finished hike #9 for the annual Hike Lake County challenge.  Independence Grove  is more like a city park than a forest preserve. It is really crowded on the weekends (I know from previous visits) but this particular Monday afternoon it wasn’t very busy. The hiking “trail” is a blacktop bike path.

Mountain mint, evening primrose, joe pye week. American white waterlily, elderberry "lace," goldenrod. Dogwood.

The blue/yellow/green quilt is quilted and bound.  I used one fabric for the back.  

"Something yellow" was my stated One Monthly Goal for August.  I'm counting this quilt and Borderlands that I made earlier in the month because both have yellow.


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(I finished this yesterday and have to take it back to the library today.  You will LOVE it.)

During the cherry harvest  in 2020 Lara Kenison Nelson recounts to her three adult daughters the whole story (well, almost the whole story) of that long-ago summer at Tom Lake, Michigan. Lara played Emily in a summer stock production of Our Town.   She had an intense romance with fellow cast member Peter Duke who later became a famous leading man.  She opted for stability and contentment on the farm with her husband and children.  

"There is no explaining this simple truth about life: you will forget much of it. The painful things you were certain you'd never be able to let go? Now you're not entirely sure they happened, while the thrilling parts...scattered and became something else. Memories are then replaced by differentjoys and larger sorrows....until you are positive that this is all you've ever wanted in the world." (116) 

"I look at my girls, my brilliant young women. I want them to think I was better than I was and I want to tell them the truth in case the truth will be useful. Those two desires do not neatly coexist." (240)

Ann Patchett's new novel is exquisitely wrought and, yes, as we all come to realize:  "This is the thing about youth. You change your mind." (309)

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Linking up with OMG August Midweek Makers Wednesday Wait Loss  So Scrappy RSC


  1. Something Yellow is really so pretty--just love how those 3 colors went together in this pattern...
    i am just starting The woman in the Library" and must say that I am a bit "at sea" with it all...but enjoying the voyage;))) thanks for the suggestion--hugs, Julierose

  2. Love both of your new quilts! Borderlands is so pretty with it's fallish hues, while the other quilt simply shimmers with light! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. Your blue/yellow/green quilt is so pretty! I love those scrappy blocks. Thanks for the recommendation for Tom Lake, too. I'll put it on my list!


  4. Congrats on finishing your hiking challenge as well as the yellow challenge. I always enjoy your wildflower photos!

  5. I enjoyed your review of Ann Patchett’s book and look forward to reading it; it’s my book group’s next selection! I’m always amazed by your quilting productivity!

  6. Two great finishes featuring yellow! And thank you for the book recommendation - I will be checking our library to see if they have a copy.

  7. Blue and yellow - always a winning combo!

  8. Your blue/ yellow/ green quilt has a very restful and peaceful vibe. Lovely finish!

  9. nice finishes...and sounds like a good book!

  10. What a great post - I always enjoy your hikes, and wildflower identifications (especially since I sometimes visit a bit south of you and see some of the same flowers), and your quilts are aspirational. Thanks!


  11. Congrats on finishing your hiking challenge! I wasn't a hiker. Then I joined a women's kayaking group to get me off the couch. Now that group hikes and bikes too. I timidly signed up for a walk on Black Friday. I have time to get into shape for it -- I hope. I always love your hike pics as well, but the quilts bring me to your blog each time. :). ~~ Kathy S.


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