Monday, August 28, 2023

Weekly update: celebrations, a few bargains, and happy blocks

 We had a heat wave for precisely two days last week.  It got up to the high 90s with high humidity on Wednesday and Thursday.  Modern meteorology is truly remarkable and just as they predicted, the front came through Thursday evening and the temperature dropped 20 degrees.  

We recalled another hot August 23 -- our wedding in 1980 in Pittsburg, Kansas.  There was a drought as well as excessive heat.  This year we celebrated by going out for dinner.  

Thursday evening the Lake County Women's Coalition observed Women's Equality Day (passage of the 19th Amerndment) with a presentation by Heidi Stevens, whose syndicated column Balancing Act is in the Sunday Chicago Tribune. Stevens was a reporter and columnist with the Trib for 23 years. She now works for a research institute specializing in children's brain development and early learning. She is also on the faculty of the OpEd Project to help underrepresented experts get their ideas and opinions published.
[I'm in two pictures: AAUW and Zion Woman's Club.]

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I helped set up the church rummage sale and then worked two shifts on Friday.   As a worker my purchases were 50% off.  I didn't buy all the fabric but I did get 14 yards for $2.60.  

I bought several loaves of sourdough bread at the bake sale. It's delicious.  

The sale chairs (God bless them!) said the gross income is over $3300.

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If there are no photos did it really happen?  I assure you that I did hike the entire 2.4 mile trail at McDonald Woods on Saturday though I left my phone at home.  That was #7 for the Hike Lake County challenge.  I was sure to have the phone on Sunday for #8 at Grassy Lake Trail.

Goldenrod meadow, Canada goldenrod, tall goldenrod "bud," mountain mint, elderberry.  

All parts of pokeberry are very toxic but its colors are astounding! 

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Yes, I sewed this week!   I made 160 happy blocks for Cynthia's September block drive. The instructions are novelties and bright-but-not-floral.  I cut a stack of 4.5" squares from novelties and some 2.5" strips, sewed, then cut more strips and sewed some more.  160 blocks at 95.25 square inches = 10 yards.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday Oh Scrap! Sew and Tell


P.S.  Praying mantis on the trail, Sunday. 

P.S. 2   We've still got it!  

It is tricky to take a selfie while kissing.  


  1. Happy Anniversary! I can just imagine how hot and humid Kansas is in August, as I have been there! Looks a beautiful hike - now that it is late August, the light is changing. Happy blocks are fun to make! I'll have to check out Cynthia's post.

  2. I would have taken the fourteen yards as well. I skipped an article in my feed this week about dyeing with pokeberries seeing as it's not something that grows here. They must be somewhere warmer than you because theirs were ripe.

  3. well happy anniversary to two very very nice people! 160 blocks!!! thatsalotta sewing gal! always wondered what that bush was...pokeberry....glad to see you are beefing up the stash!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I remember those hot Kansas summers, but not nearly the heat in the midsection of the country this year.

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH--sweet photos--love the smooching selfie ;)))
    You made a LOT of blocks--what wonderful scrappiness !! hugs, Julierose

  6. Happy Anniversary! Love the Happy Blocks production. They are a bit addictive :-)

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both! Smooching is good no matter when it happens.
    160 blocks?!!!

  8. I must say that your fabric purchase was a real bargain!!! Happy Anniversary to you!!!

  9. Congratulations Nann. Pictures/Selfies aside, it is inspirational how you make time for dates, dinners and nature walks. Wishing you many more years of health and happiness.
    I am a big fan of bright and simple blocks. They make stunning quilts. 160 blocks should make at least two very joyful quilts.

  10. Happy anniversary! They keep adding up. Thanks for the heads up on Cynthia's latest block drive. Happy Blocks are one of my favorite blocks to make. I’ll check out her post. And wowzer on your fabulous fabric buy. Bonnie in Va whose software won't let me respond to blogs except as anonymous. Bah.

  11. Happy Anniversary! Pokeberries. The summer we moved here, we had this nice looking, very fast growing plant. I took a branch to the extension service for identification. As soon as they saw it, they ran and got a large garbage bag to get rid of it. We got instructions to buy a special expensive herbicide at the farmer's co-op, cut the plant down, being sure to get all the berries, and paint the herbicide on the root. Seven summers later, a couple more shoots spring up. We have no idea if the previous owners planted it, or how it got here.

  12. Belated happy anniversary. I’m so glad you bought fabric for this one. Better than paper or iron and I think better than diamonds. All the best. Ann at FretNotYourself

  13. Belated Happy Anniversary! I can’t believe how many Happy Blocks you sewed! Wow!!


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