Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Midweek: SAHRR surprise

Looking out the front door at 10 a.m.  The storm has been predicted for three days.  3"? 6"? 8"?  I'm glad we don't have to go anywhere today.  

Old Town awaits the outer border. I am hoping that the little checkerboards didn't stretch out on the edges . . .


I did not have any units on hand for this week's Stay at Home Round Robin prompt for "slashed/sliced" blocks. They were easy to make and,  miraculously, they fit perfectly. 

Linking up at Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. Gosh your SAHRR is growing into a real beauty. Love the mix of colors and especially the center applique and those stars! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. occasionally the piecing gods do smile on us....i'm housebound today as well and probably tomorrow as well.....very nice year i think i will cave for this one

  3. Snow days are always good days to quilt the day away!!!


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