Monday, January 13, 2025

Weekly update: RSC pink + SAHRR


The weather hasn't been conducive to walks . . . hope I can get out this week.  Meanwhile, in the studio: 

My 52 Placemats project is underway with these two in pink.   

I came across a design for my 2025 RSC project.  Eight 6-1/2" 9Ps each month.

I started a batch of Ohio Stars just because. 

(I am avoiding dealing with Old Town.) 

I'm determined to stick with the Stay at Home Round Robin this year.   Here's my starter block.  It was the starter block for the guild 2018 round robin that I switched up (see how it began and ended in this post).  

Linking up with Sew and Tell  Design Wall Monday  Oh Scrap! as well as SAHRR 2025


  1. I'm enjoying all of the pink on blogs this month.

    7 degrees here this morning. I imagine you had a similar temperature.

  2. Love all your pink blocks! Those placemats are great! Such a pretty center block for your SAHRR, too. It could definitely make a beautiful quilt!

  3. What pretty Ohio Stars :) I giggled at the avoidance of Old Towne. Thanks for joining my Sew & Tell party.

  4. So "pretty in pink"--I never wear pink (or hardly ever) but I love pink fabric--go figure;)))
    Your choice for the SAHRR center is so lovely--it will be nice working around that block.
    Hugs, Julierose

  5. I like that pink, too. And great idea to start the round robin with something already done!

  6. Pretty pink things and what a beautiful center block for SAHRR. Stick with it!

  7. Nice that you can combine the monthly colour with making placemats. I'm looking forward to seeing how the round robin block evolves.

  8. Thats a very pretty centre block!!! Thank you for linking to the SAHRR Centre Block!! It was also fun to read and see all your pink projects!

  9. I love your center block, Nann. I also love your pink 9 patches and Ohio Star blocks! Thanks for joining in with us for SAHRR 2025!

  10. You made good use of your pink scraps, very pretty blocks. And a fun center for your 2025 SAHRR project. I'm making a new block for the center, I should get on that today!

  11. Oh, I love that center block! I'm so glad you are joining in with us this year! Those pink blocks are cheerful and fun, too!

  12. The center block you chose for SAHRR is stunning. I'm joining for the first time and look forward to seeing everyone's progress. Love the pink blocks as well.

  13. Great center block. Love all your pink blocks so far. 52 placemats is a great project. Do you donate to Meals on Wheels or somewhere ? I wish I could find a donation peace. I’ll keep asking around my small community. Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. 52 Placemats - Love it!!!
    Your SAHRR block is a beaut!! Great RSC projects - it was 51 yesterday and supposed to be 5 tomorrow ( with WC) so I made sure to get out for a walk!! Hope your weather warms up for you!


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