Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Midweek: WITB rediscovery

The moon this morning.  The phone camera shutter doesn't like the cold!   

Our kitchen counter this week.  The 5-year-old dishwasher is on the fritz (error code "H20" meaning that the water pump isn't pumping).  The repairman can't get here until next Monday.  I had a dish rack but no drainboard; fortunately I had a large plastic container in the cupboard.

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WITB = what's in the box?  Though technically this project was in a drawer.  

A long time ago I began to deal with a ziploc bag of 1.5" HSTs by making cat's cradle units. (I looked that up and I think that's a widely-used term for them.)  I put units together, added a large triangle, and made a dozen blocks before I put them away.   

It turned out I had enough of the pink print to make a total of 44 blocks (12 already made + 12 made this week = 20 to go).  

Blocks are 6.5" unfinished.    I anticipate a 6 x 7 setting with two blocks to piece into the back.

Linking up with Wednesday Wait Loss

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