Sunday, January 19, 2025

Weekly update, part 1: birthday!


123 cards
 and counting!  

Neighbors, relatives, church friends, Rotarians, AAUWs, P.E.O.s, Alpha Gams, FB friends, and QUILTERS

more balloons arrived a half hour later

Stevens was surprised at the stacks of cards in the mail each day.  Not only did he appreciate the many personal notes but I did, too.  I am most grateful to all of you!  

Daughter Julie and her boyfriend Josh drove from New Hampshire for the big weekend.  (They're certainly used to winter weather but the lake effect snow around Cleveland was new.) They arrived Thursday evening in time for dinner.  (They stayed at a hotel in Zion.)

We went to Illinois Beach State Park on Friday (the last warm day before the cold front came in).  Lower left: that's pack ice covered in sand. 

We went out for dinner on Friday. Saturday afternoon we stayed in and and looked at family pictures.  

I had never seen this one before.  1942.  The hobby horse says "Cal's Colt." A FB friend said she had one growing up. A Google search turned up many photos and references.  (I'm sure it wouldn't pass child safety regulations nowadays.) 

Pizza for dinner with a carrot cake for dessert.

We enjoyed a performance of Over the River and Through the Woods at the Racine Theatre Guild.  It was fun!  

I got our concert selfie :) 
Julie and Josh stopped in Sunday morning before they set out for a couple of days in Chicago. They've got some other places to visit on the way back home.  

In sum it was a wonderful birthday weekend and again I am SO appreciative to ALL of you who helped make it so!  


  1. Wonderful happy photos, Nann--so glad it was a good celebration for all of you....
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Those happy smiles say it was perfect!

  3. How wonderful! Stevens must have so enjoyed opening all those cards and well wishes from so many people. Glad family was able to join you for the celebrations too.

  4. gosh i don't think i ever saw anyone happier than stevens looks in these wonderful for him...

  5. What a busy week you had. It's nice that Julie could come out to celebrate his birthday. I bet you didn't get much quilting done though!

  6. So glad Stevens had a wonderful birthday.

  7. Happy Birthday Stevens! Love the picture with him and your daughter.

  8. It sounds like it was a wonderful time for all!

  9. Looks like it was a lovely birthday weekend for Stevens! I love the photo with all the cards. So great that your daughter was able to come, too!

  10. What a great display of cards. I was happy to be a part of it. Looks like a good time was had by all.


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