Monday, January 20, 2025

Weekly update, part 2: in the studio

 See the previous post for Stevens' 85th birthday weekend!

The cat's cradle blocks are assembled. 

 Justification for a ginormous stash: this floral print and the backing fabric (not shown), both just right.

One of my 2025 goals is to make 52 placemats.  Last Monday I posted a photo of two.  I made six more.  (After I took the photo I bound the red and black pair on the left.)   All of these are made from already-pieced panels and units stored in the box on the cutting table. 

None of these are the Old Town mystery, obviously.  That box is sitting on the counter.

Meanwhile I have several non-quilting tasks with deadlines that I have to tackle this week.  

It's probably very cold where you are. It is certainly frigid here today.  Tomorrow will be colder yet and then the temperatures will rise.  I'm grateful we can stay inside.

Linking up with Oh Scrap!  Design Wall Monday  Sew and Tell  Thanks for the shout out this week, Melva.


  1. when i moved to maryland someone told me the weather is good most of the time save 2 weeks in the summer when it's unbearable and again for about 2 weeks in the winter, same this is definitely one of the unbearables...another month tho and we will see signs of spring so she was right, it's brief. nice quilt top...

  2. Yea for the finish quilt top and having both the borders and a backing in your stash. I was happy to see all the cards Stevens received. I'm sure it was fun to open the mail each day.

  3. It's cold here too - but supposed to warm up by Thursday. Sadly we have to go out this morning and I'm definitely not looking forward to it.

  4. You made very good use of all of those bits and bobs! Having a large stash is nice, but how do you find everything? That's my challenge.

  5. The opposite of that is I never have yardage for fir borders or backings, and that slows down the finishes. Your floral border is perfect for the cat's cradle colors! Your placemat project looks like it is well on its way! Have a great week, Nann!


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