Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Midweek: a flimsy and piecing fun

What an interesting cloud formation! I took the photo Monday afternoon at Middlefork Savanna

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 I took the Janome to Sew 'n' Save in Racine for an overdue cleaning.  I did not buy any fabric but I came home with some books.   The shop has two bookcases crammed full with quilt books donated by customers. They sell them for $2.00 and give the proceeds to a Wisconsin veterans' project.  

The Quilt Digest is issue #4, 1986.  It has an article by Suellen Meyer with this intriguing snippet.  

Here's the source.  

While the Janome is away Sweetness, the Singer 301, has come out to play.   A few drops of oil and she's humming away.   I paid $75 for her about 20 years ago.  (I also have a Featherweight but it needs a new belt.)   Note to self:  buy a new bottle of sewing machine oil! New machines are self-lubricating so it's not something I have to think about . . . until times like now.

Aunt Vina's Favorite is a flimsy.  6 yards.  

More homespun blocks are in the works.

Linking up with   Wednesday Wait Loss   Midweek Makers


  1. I really like those homespun Star blocks--they just look comforting... nice wip hugs, Julierose

  2. I love fall clouds! The quote from the professor made me laugh - great joyousness could be injurious to your health, lol! I will have to make sure I don't overeat or drink while quilting. :) Aunt Vina is a beauty!

  3. That Digest article is a scream! Quilting can be dangerous because you might drink tea too fast? 😂 Your Aunt Vina's quilt top is so pretty! And those homespun blocks--yum. I need to do something with homespun, I just love it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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