Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday check in: swapping the quilts


This late-blooming coneflower caught my eye at  Ethel's Woods yesterday afternoon. 

Friday is change-the-sheets day.  This week it's also change-the-quilts.  

I made this in 2006 and had it professionally quilted.  It's been the 'summer' quilt ever since.  There are a few popped seams.  After 18 years I have gotten my money's worth out of it and maybe, just maybe, I can treat myself to a new one.   But for now, back into storage it goes.

This is the 'winter' quilt.  I made it during the 2020 pandemic lockdown and had it quilted. It named itself: Shelter in Place.   The houses have fussy-cut elements of things that inspire me: books, flowers, quilting, and more.  It still makes me smile! 

The back.   

This is my favorite quilt, I think.  I made it in 2008 and it, too, is professionally quilted because back then I was not very confident about my FMQ skills.  I use it as a topper before I add the blanket and comforter to the bedding. 

Yes, there is a quilt for S's bed but he prefers his plain blue L.L. Bean comforter.  Arguing with a person with dementia is not productive, I assure you.

We're off on an adventure today!   

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday  


  1. I love your Shelter in Place quilt! What a great project for that period of time. I understand what you mean about arguing with a person with dementia - I experience that with my mom. Such a tough thing. Enjoy your adventure!

  2. Love all those little prints on your winter quilt--so neat!! WE haven't as yet reached the change over to winter quilts, but after this morning's 35 degree wake up temp, I don't think it will be long in coming...
    the cone flower is such a pretty pink...hope you have a great weekend hugs, Julierose

  3. Hi Nann! Blogger has been arguing with my computer, but I finally got it to accept me at my other email (mjpuckett42 rather than zippyquilts). I love your little houses! I made a house quilt during quarantine as well, but mine isn't big enough for the bed.

  4. yes of the two the houses is my colorful, that's why...coneflowers are so pretty and seem quite hardy, bloom several areas of the country...was thinking of getting out winter clothes but gonna be 80 sat/sun so will wait until next week...

  5. What a good idea to have seasonal quilts - I just change them when they start to look like a bath is needed (dogs on beds.....) or when the notion strikes, but having ones associated with a certain season would be fun. The little houses are adorable.

    Hope your weekend is lovely.


  6. All three are very fun quilts. It's nice that you change them for the seasons. Hope you had a very fun adventure.

  7. Beautiful quilts! And what fun to change them out and all the memories that come with the new ones.
    Too funny - I get you on the arguing... good luck with that <3

  8. I love the house quilt. You reminded me of my house quilt blocks. I had thought I'd make blocks until the pandemic was over..... Finally got tired at 24 blocks and had to put it away! Maybe this will turn into our winter quilt. And we have one tiny cornflower showing off in our yard too!


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