Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weekly update, part 2: wildflowers, challenge reveal, and neckties

Be sure to read the previous post about the Wisconsin Quilt Show.

I discovered bottle gentian last year at Spring Bluff Forest Preserve.  I have not seen it anywhere else.

The blossoms grow in tiers along the stem.


Bumblebees are the only pollinators strong enough to pry open the flowers.    A bumblebee happened along to do just that.  

In the left photo you can see its rear poking out of the flower.  

Fringed gentian are also in bloom now.  These are behind a dune at Illinois Beach State Park.   I'll have to go back to get a better close up photo.  

Brisk northeast winds on Saturday meant lots of waves on the lake.

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The guild charity challenge reveal was at Wednesday's meeting.  

All entries had to use the square-in-square pattern and ONLY fabric donated to the guild for charity.

Aren't the variations interesting?  

Karen won first prize.  Yes, she followed the pattern. The black corners are square-in-squares! 

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I made this little quilt (mat? runner?) for the necktie demo I'm giving for the guild next Saturday.  I used a wedge ruler.  The sashing and borders were cut from a rectangular silk scarf. The binding used two ties.

There were several necktie projects on display at the quilt show.  More inspiration! 

Linking up with Oh Scrap!   Design Wall Monday


  1. great necktie mat! mmm wildflowers so pretty....interesting challenge pieces....another sewing week ahead!

  2. Your beach photo is very pretty with those white caps on the lake. The guild challenge was clearly well met. Using only donated fabric would have sure made the challenge more difficult.

  3. I always enjoy seeing your floral pictures, thank you. The challenge looks like it was well done and lots of participants which is always nice.

  4. Fun neckties sampler for your class. Always interesting to see the variety of projects that come from a simple prompt.

  5. Quiltdivajulie - the bumblebees are very active here just now. They are loving the flower spikes on the large coleus plants (although we've just trimmed them back again). Beautiful blue flowers and good to see you having fun with the neckties.

  6. Very unusual, but pretty flowers. At least for this part of country. Very fun quilts for the challenge. It's always interesting to see all the variations from a challenge. Happy stitching this week.

  7. How lucky to see bottle gentians! I only ever saw them once at a botanical garden in Maine and was mesmerized, such an intense blue! I didn't know about the bumble bee pollinators, they seem to be doing much of our pollinating around here, little ones the size of my baby finger tip.



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