Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday check in: catching up, something unexpected + reading


It's been sunny and hot all week. We really need some rain!  But it's been great for walks:  three sections of Illinois Beach and one forest preserve. 

Here's a closeup photo of fringed gentian.  You can clearly see the fringes at the edges of the petals.  The blue is such a heavenly color!  I found several clumps at the middle unit of Illinois Beach State Park.  

 Left: blue wood aster.  Top: apple, primrose.  Center: New England aster, white heath aster.   Bottom: purple lovegrass, hairy aster. 

I saw something move in the grass.  It was a frog.

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In the studio:   

A new guild BOM has begun.  Here are my blocks for September and October.  The instructions call for 2 yards of background fabric.  I'm using a print left over from another BOM (the resulting quilt was finished and donated long, long ago). 

This is month four for the guild round robin.  Because it's a secret I can't show you more.  Two rounds after this.

And here's the unexpected -- thought about, started, and finished this week.  I wanted a lightweight fall-ish top that's a little snappier than the shirts and tees that are my standard travelwear.  I pulled out the box of garment patterns, realizing that not only have styles changed but also there's a lot less of me than the last time I sewed clothing.  Despite that I went back to a reliable design.   I first made it in 1998 (!) and again in 2006 (!) and I still wear both jackets.  

I recall that I agonized over fabric selection back then.  This time it went easily.  Eight batiks for the front and back (the back has the same arrangement) and another batik for the lining.

And it's done! 

 Here are the other two.  


A very unusual approach to presidential history!  Engagingly-written and very informative.  I learned a lot, from the famous (Washington, Lincoln, JFK) to the lesser-known (Franklin Pierce).    

The author points out that a lock of hair was a tangible link to a person (loved one or celebrity) before photography.   

I got the ARC (advance reader copy) at ALA Midwinter 2020 -- the irony of a travel book published in April of that year!  In 2014 Knighton dealt with a romantic breakup by visiting ALL the national parks in the U.S. and documenting them for CBS Sunday Morning.   That helped him get over his heartbreak as well as launch his subsequent career.   

His approach is thematic rather than geographical.   There's Sunrise (Acadia), Animals (Everglades, Channel Islands, Pinnacles, Death Valley), Mystery (Crater Lake, Congaree), and so on -- ending with Sunset (Grand Teton, Yellowstone).  He talks to rangers and fellow travelers. He relates historical, geological, and other interesting information.  I enjoyed the journey.

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday  


  1. I think CBS Sunday Morning did an interview with him about this adventure sometime in recent months. I was fascinated. A local teacher here did a similar thing with his family - worked toward visiting all of the NPs. Now I'm wondering if they made it to all of them. Your jacket turned out very nicely, especially in batiks. And the 2 blocks for your guild challenge are looking good.

  2. I think I have white heath aster growing wild here. It started popping up here and there a few years ago so I let it grow in a few places. Now I think it is getting rather invasive in places. A frog on my back door scared me when I went out to garden a few days ago. I think the poor thing was trying to get away from the free range/barn cats. I love your jackets!

  3. the jacket is definitely you nann...and the black background very versatile...gosh so very nice weatherwise guru says today probably our last summer temp day...doesn't hurt me one darn bit...ooh lovely day with barb and her friend patty...details on blog

  4. Such beautiful wildflowers! Very nice jacket, it's always fun to have something new to wear (and I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that enjoys travel in t-shirts).


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