Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekly update: hikes, Equality Day, rummage sale, a bunch of blocks, and 44 years!

 We checked three more forest preserves off the Hike Lake County list.  Wednesday:  Lake Carina is a reclaimed gravel pit  quarried to build the Illinois Tollway, traffic on which can be heard though not seen from the one-mile trail around the lake.  Friday:  Capt. Daniel Wright Woods and Half Day are adjacent but divided by the Des Plaines River.   Though there's a bridge to cross the river it wasn't on the marked trails this year so we drove from one to the other.  

Top: water lilies at Half Day, thistles, Jack-in-the-Pulpit seed bundle. Middle:  burning bush seeds, river at Half Day, Lake Carina.  Lower:  boneset, the sign to look for, and trail at Daniel Wright.  

I could get close to the blue lobelia but the cardinal lobelia was farther away.  (Both at Daniel Wright.)

It has turned VERY hot -- low 90's today (Sunday) with higher temps in the forecast Monday and Tuesday.  We are staying inside in the air conditioning.

Four more trails to go!

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The Lake County Women's Coalition observed Women's Equality Day on Thursday evening. The program was terrific!

Performers Catherine and Anita sang a medley of songs from "Sister Sufragette" to "I Am Woman" with many more in between.

I contributed this quilt to the raffle (my friend Steffi won it) and in turn I won a gift basket with wine (the LCWC president owns a winery).  

And I was home in time to see Kamala Harris give her acceptance speech.

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Our church has rummage sales in May and August.  Mary Lou and Laura are the long-time chairs and they have their process perfected.   I helped set things out on Monday (I always get women's pants and sweaters, and this time I also got books and media).   I had selling stints 9-11 on Friday and Saturday.  The perk is that helpers get 1/2 off the already rock-bottom prices.  Saturday is $5 to fill a grocery bag (no discount).   

I spent a grand total of $21, which included two of those $5 bags.  My bargains included a never-worn pair of khaki jeans (tags still on) and a Talbot's long-sleeved t-shirt.  No actual quilting yardage but I got a Laura Ashley twin sheet set, all-cotton, for $1, and a half dozen men's shirts (bag sale).   

All of these hankies were $2!  A number of them were unused (I could tell from the creases).  

The original owner saved some of the stickers.  

Preliminary proceeds for the sale: $3000.

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And, yes, I got in some sewing time.

These are 100 8-1/2" jewel box blocks  for Cynthia's next block drive.  (The instructions:  purple/blue/green and WOW for the HSTs, white/black and black/white for the four-patches.)  6-1/2 yards!

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August 23, 1980


Happy 44th anniversary to us! 

We are still smiling.  

Linking up with  Oh Scrap!  Sew and Tell

Design Wall Monday


  1. I have Jack-in-the-Box seed bundles in my back garden. With as many as there are I would think I'd have dozens of new plants each year but I don't.
    It looks like Friday will be the beginning of cooler weather, although 80s really isn't cool.

  2. Congratulations on 44 years together!

    Bird 'Pie

  3. Yeah for the year of 1980! And for your wonderful anniversary. My husband and I were also married in the summer of 1980. You find such wonderful things at rummage and garage sales.

  4. We were married in 1979 and rapidly coming up on our 45th - congratulations to you and your beloved. Keep smiling!
    Good finds at the rummage sale too.

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both! The rummage sale sounds like fun, and a source of some good stuff, too. I like those blocks for Cynthia's next collection - I missed that, but will go check out her post and make a few!

  6. well happy anniversary to you both! i would say you have remained well and truly rugged despite the years...nice haul on those hankies...

  7. Happy anniversary Nann!

  8. Congratulations to you two lovebirds!

  9. Happy Anniversary! (we hit 44 in June and like you, we continue to smile and be happy together). CHEERS :-)

  10. Happy Anniversary! What are your plans for those hankies? Thanks for sharing in my Sew & Tell party.

  11. Happy Anniversary to you and Stevens!!

  12. Happy Anniversary! So glad the sale did well. Hopefully you are going to get the same cool down we'll get this weekend. I'm certainly ready for the temps to drop a bit.

  13. Happy anniversary Nann! Your blocks look amazing - I can’t wait to get started on this block drive. I will be posting the block instructions on Wednesday!


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