Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Midweek: OMG success, under the needle, and flinging


Surely I am not the only person wondering where July has gone!  

My OMG was to make the quilt for the AAUW holiday raffle.  I finished it mid-month.  ("Don't 'peak' until Christmas"?) 

Here is the July OMG link up.

SIS-boom-dot is under the needle, though here it's shown rolled up for the last rows.  (SIS=square-in-square / boom = the brights / dot = the black pin dot.)

These boxes are empty!  They held various household items left over from my last garage sale (2019 according to the newspapers wrapped around glassware), a miscellany of tins, and more.   The contents are in cardboard boxes in my car, ready to go to the church for the late-August rummage sale.  

I'll have the stash report and the August OMG in Friday's post.  

Linking up with Midweek Makers and  Wednesday Wait Loss  as well as OMG.


  1. Congratulations on meeting your OMG - it's a gorgeous quilt! And quilting your SIS quilt, too. You're on a roll!

  2. oh what a feeling those empty boxes must be! i know that feeling! i love the christmas scrappy....

  3. Lovely finish to your Christmas quilt! I'm sure it'll make a lot of money at raffle. Can't wait to see SIS Boom Dot--that tiny peak is so tantalizing! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. It took several tries but finally, with the terms "famous quilter elementary school teacher pbs show", the name Eleanor Burns popped up on the googles, the person whom I thought you were going to be emulating based on the title of this post!

    Currently wrestling a twin under my Brother's 9" throat (straight-line quilting) and happy to have that roll-up reminder for how to make my life easier.

    Empty boxes for the win!!! Gold medal to you. USA! USA!! USA!!!

    (Ahem. And I'm not even watching the Olympics.)

    Bird 'Pie

  5. Loving seeing Sis-boom-dot in the process of quilting, are you using serpentine stitch? Your Christmas mountains is so lovely, I'm sure it will be an amazing success in the raffle.

  6. Congrats on meeting your OMG for the month. And on all the empty boxes. Decluttering takes a lot of effort. Hopefully you won't have to haul anything home from the rummage sale.

  7. The Christmas quilt turned out wonderfully. It feels so good to have empty boxes and bins. I need to get back to my decluttering this month. It's time to clean a big closet that holds all the Christmas stuff plus a lot of other stuff that we probably don't need anymore. LOL

  8. I like the Christmas quilt - and good for you for having empty boxes! When we used to have yard sales pretty much every year I would haul everything that didn't sell back into the house and put it away. Finally came to the realization that if I had decided I didn't want it, I didn't want to continue to store it either. Sure made it a whole lot easier to donate it after that.

  9. Inspired by your Christmas raffle quilt I started one in that pattern but am finding it a bit of a slog - my finished squares are smaller and it is taking an inordinate number of them, so I'm deciding that a baby quilt would be acceptable. Maybe I'll love it when it's done. And congratulations on the empty boxes!



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