Monday, June 24, 2024

Weekly update: a quick finish and playing with scraps


If you're on Facebook you can't hide from your birthday.  155 greetings and counting!  I appreciate them all.  I am now squared and cubed. 

Black raspberries were ripe at Lake Carina Forest Preserve on Friday afternoon.  Lake Carina was a gravel pit that was quarried to build the tollway (I-94) in the late 1950's.  That road and a high-voltage transmission line are the eastern boundary.  

The lake and the stream that flows into it.

The Home Forum feature  in this week's Christian Science monitor  further identified the raspberries as black caps.   I picked a handful and wrapped them in a big leaf from a grape vine so I could get them to the car without losing any.  Stevens pronounced them tasty.

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 In the studio:

I made a second quilt for the guild charity challenge.  (First quilt is  here ) Entries must use this specific pattern -- square-in-square (10" finished) with 3" border using ONLY fabric donated to the guild. 

The challenge  continues to the September meeting.  I have more of the donated fabric but I'll need to be creative about using it.

There are many more projects I can work on.  I chose to start a set of string blocks.  The foundation is a never-used bed sheet that I got at an estate sale (still in the package -- Sears, Roebuck Harmony House brand).

   Linking up with Design Wall Monday  Oh Scrap!  Sew and Tell



  1. Ooh, yum on the freshly picked wild raspberries! Your challenge quilt is fun, too. I really like the way you made each corner of the square in a square block a different color!

  2. I remember going out in the early morning to pick raspberries and blackberries along Bolz Road 30+ years ago. ❤️ Nice quilt. The colors are comforting. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  3. Oh, now you can't hide from US either!! Happy Birth Day!

  4. Fresh berries - yum! Happy birthday! I really like your charity project quilt. I would have been very tempted to make it using squares of the print, and turn those corners into simple hourglass blocks. So much easier. But that would be cheating wouldn't it? LOL

  5. only one quilt top??? gotta sew faster than that nann....LOL...hope your birthday was enjoyable, i can see that it was delicious!

  6. There's a lesson for me in your challenge quilts - my impulse is to always be as random as possible in color placement, but the rhythmic reoccurrence of the triangle fabric colors is very effective in both these quilts. I need to remember that next time I start a project!

    It's so dry here that our raspberries are totally stalled. Very disappointing, but our patch is not well placed for hose watering.


  7. Happy belated birthday. You've been busy. The challenge quilt looks great and so do your foundation blocks. Happy stitching this week.

  8. A very belated happy birthday! Enjoy this week's stitching project!

  9. I like your interpretation of the quilt requirements. That is an oddly specific set of requirements. I understand needing to use up donated fabric. Can you add fabric from stash to finish a quilt?


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