Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Midweek: quilt history, estate sale, and OMG summary

Monday afternoon I presented "Every Quilt Tells a Story" to a women's group at my hometown church in Northbrook.  Though I haven't belonged to that church in 50 years it was nice to see several women in the audience who knew my family and remembered my parents.  When the chair introduced me she asked, "Who's known Nann the longest?"  That was Judy, who moved to the house at the end of our block in 1963. (Judy remembers that my mother was the first neighbor to welcome them.)                                             My program includes a concise history of quiltmaking (that's hard to do!), some of the vintage quilts in my collections, and quilts of mine that I want to show off <g>.   I invite audience members to bring quilts they own (inherited, received as gifts, or made themselves). (Lower photo.)  
Cicadas abounded in Northbrook this year.  They are winding down now but I did see a few!  (Yes, these are dead. I didn't have time to go to the park to try to get pictures of them flying around or swarming on tree trunks, though I saw a few as I drove.) 
Yesterday:  month #10 of Barb M's estate sale.  Lots of UFOs (sets of blocks with patterns) and kits.  I bypassed those.   38 yards, $65 = $1.71per yard.   Each month the proceeds benefit a different charity (over $15,000 so far).  This time it's 
Keeping Families Covered which provides sanitary products and diapers for babies, special needs individuals, and seniors in Lake, McHenry, and southern Kenosha counties.    Sale coordinator Paula said there's enough for more sales, but they are taking July off.

# # # # # #   I'm reposting the photos of my June One Monthly Goal.  I'm pleased with the way both the tote bags turned out.         
This will be my last post until next week.  I leave for the ALA Annual Conference early tomorrow morning.  We have hired a caregiver to look after S.  He came yesterday afternoon to meet us and get oriented.  He'll be here before the limo picks me up.   I left the two of them to go on some errands (and the estate sale!).  They got along fine.   I am optimistic.  

Linking up with OMG   Wednesday Wait Loss  Midweek Makers  


  1. That sounds like a fun presentation, and love that you encouraged others to bring their quilts too and share their stories. It is always fun to see what you find in the estate sales! OH, fun tote bags!! It is hard sometimes to find a good caregiver, for sure.

  2. Have a great trip! I hope the caregiver is a good one you can depend on many times.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful program that you put on - wish I could attend! Have a great time at the conference, too. I'm glad you found a caregiver for Stevens and have those fun new totes to take along!

  4. i am sure your talk was a rousing success....nice haul again! i love the purple and the neutrals....good choices all around and some yummy lime too!

  5. Sounds like a great presentation! Love seeing all the quilts. Your tote bags are so pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. I've always maintained you need to have little boys to fully appreciate the glory of those red-eyed bugs! I was blessed with one in tow when they emerged in Maryland 34 years ago (he'd've been 4, and I'd've been preggers with his brother).

    Bird 'Pie

  7. Barb M. had an incredible stash! Hard to believe there is till more left to sell. Enjoy the conference!

  8. I simply cannot wrap my head around the sheer extent of the stash that person much have had if those sales are still going on after all this time (and more to come by the sounds of it). She could have opened her own store and probably had more inventory than most of them do.
    Enjoy the conference!

  9. Somehow I missed that the estate sale proceeds benefit charity; that's wonderful. Have fun at the ALA program (I'm sure you will.) And good job meeting your sewing goal for the month.


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