Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Midweek: passing the gavel + a flimsy and a pieced back

 The Zion Woman's Club year-end luncheon was between the downpours that rolled in and rolled out at least three times yesterday.   The officer installation was performed by our friend Chris (Waukegan Women's Club).  Judy passed the gavel to me.  This will be my second time as president.  

I made the wall hanging -- hollyhocks are our club flower.  Judy and her husband are moving out of state and giving up the garden she's been nurturing for many years.  

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In the studio:

The brown batik triangles are all assembled.  6" finished blocks, 60 x 72.


I've got a May 13 appointment with Barb-the-quilter for the International Sisters quilt.   The ALA Biblioquilters made the blocks and I set them back in February.  

I spent last evening piecing the back.  I swear that sometimes it takes longer to do that than it does to put the blocks together for the flimsy.

Nothing on the calendar today.  Maybe I can chip away at many of the non-quilting tasks I'm behind on . . . or maybe not.  

Linking up with Midweek Makers Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. I didn't realize how great that backing fabric was until I clicked to embiggen the picture (I really wanted to know if the 2nd lady was wearing a risque single-sleeved dress). Totally agree about the time illusion with backings. Maybe it's because you feel so close to done that any additionally needed steps just loom so large?

    Bird 'Pie

  2. congrats madame pres! i never would have used brown but it does work with those colorful batiks...nice subdued look good for masculine quilt...

  3. I love pieced backings, but they are definitely a big job when you're just ready to get that quilt finished! Congratulations on taking over as president of your group again. Your hollyhocks piece for your friend turned out beautifully!

  4. I always procrastinate on piecing the backings, figuring out the layouts is sometimes not fun. But that backing turned out nicely.

  5. My goodness - now you're taking on a presidential role? Ask a busy woman - wow!

  6. I love your Hollyhock wall hanging and I'm sure your friend will too. The quilts to be quilted are pretty; especially the International Sisters top! Can't wait to see them quilted. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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