Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday check in: something completely different


On a clear day you can see Chicago, 40 miles away.  (Wednesday afternoon, Illinois Beach State Park.) 

Lupines have started to bloom. 

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It rained off and on yesterday.   When we got home from the Rotary breakfast meeting we stayed inside.  

I've been feeling mildly guilty about the extent of my winnings at the guild Raffle Mania last week.   That includes the big bag of metallic print yardage, shown in both photos.

To assuage that guilt I am determined to sew at least some of it.

I don't especially like metallic prints so I've never purposely sought them out.  

I looked through books and torn-from-magazine patterns. Here is the inspiration.  Pattern is Rugby Stars by Gerri Robinson. 

Blocks are 16-1/2" unfinished.  I am working on two more turquoise and three pink.  Then three blue.  I have a way to use the light blue in sashing.  

I'm using non-metallic white-on-white for the background.

Quite a departure from the recent batik projects!

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday


  1. My magpie heart really likes metallic fabrics so I know I"m going to like your new project.

  2. Definitely no guilt if you plan on using the fabrics! Someone will love the finished quilt. Gerri Robinson always has lovely patterns. I like this one, and may have to make one since this seems to be my year for creating flying geese.

  3. I feel the same about metallic prints, but those stars seem like the perfect way to use them. They'll literally sparkle! Love your view there!

  4. A fun pattern that will let those metallics shine (pun not intended). Have a great weekend.

  5. I think my first comment became part of the mist, anyway I don't think there's any guilt if you're using those fabrics so soon. The finished quilt will be loved by someone. I like that Gerri Robinson pattern and might have to make something similar someday.

  6. A beautiful view of Chicago from your side. Long ago I walked that shoreline path. I'm sure it was much noisier than your side ;-)

    Oh I might drool over those metallics! I love working with them. I hope you have boatloads of fun!

  7. What a pretty departure tho!!!
    and that skyline - how cool to be able to see the big city!!!

  8. I did not realize that at any time visibility could be 40 miles. Amazing!
    I'm not a fan of metallic prints, either. I ordered beautiful fabric from a company online. When it arrived, it was metallic! No mention was made in the info about the fabric on the website. I was grateful they took it back (as a courtesy, they said, since they didn't do returns).
    Those stars will be great for the metallics, though.


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