Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday check in: another finish and rummage sale score

 I mentioned that Barb-the-quilter had time to do a second quilt for me.   I applied the binding Wednesday evening.

I made the flimsy way back in 2020 when I had the notion that I could reduce the Civil War stash.  (All posts for that project are labeled CWRSRP.  It is a longterm goal. <g>)

  Baptist Fan for the center and border, with circles in the inner border.

The back is nearly vintage.  It was an 8-yard piece that I got at an estate sale about 15 years ago.  I have 3-1/2 yards left.

North Prairie UMC ("the other Methodist church" (we go to Memorial UMC)) is having its spring rummage sale this weekend.  I went yesterday.  

Look what I got!    All of these are 36" wide.    The citrus tropical floral is delicious.


These are 45" wide.  

Do you recognize the logo on the 1997 remnant tag? That's So-Fro Fabrics. 

Total 15-3/4 yards for $12.25.  That's .77 per yard.

I am a sucker for bandanas and I scooped up seven at the rummage sale. 


The new acquisitions are ready to join the stash.

I have used bandanas for precisely TWO projects in 2016 and 2022.  Time to quit hoarding and start designing.

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday


  1. ooh i do like that backing....very nice and how is it coming using up the civil war stash???? inquiring minds want to know....LOL

  2. You always have fun ideas for the different collections you have in your stash, Nann! I enjoy seeing what you make with them. The basket quilt is a beautiful finish!

  3. I like your basket quilt. That is a great setting with the checkerboard blocks.

  4. The basket blocks look great with the checkerboard blocks. The paisley bandanas are a fun addition to your stash!

  5. It took me a while to figure out that the boots are made of bandanas - very clever! I too have a predilection for bandanas but I just use them as hankies. Must consider branching out!


  6. I like the combination of the basket and checkerboard blocks, it looks really nice. Great additions to your stash.

  7. It's going to be interesting to see what you end up doing with all those bandanas. And more stash acquisition too!! My goodness, but you must have a really large storage space.

  8. You do so well with the thrifty stash additions. Congrats on the new finish. Enjoy the weekend walking and stitching.

  9. I am a fan of citrusy fabrics and that orange one is particularly juicy. The bandana baskets are adorable.

  10. You get sooo much done. I'm always impressed. I think it would be fun to collect bandanas to make a project. I think I have a turquoise one....? I might need to hit the thrift shops for a bit. Or, maybe I should just use the fabric I have!


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