Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Midweek: swap box and all but the label

 I signed up for an "anything goes" swap box.  Get a box of quilty stuff, keep some, add to the box, send it off.  Participants have a week to fulfill their commitment.  When the box arrived here on Monday I treated it like a hot potato.  I took a few things, added a lot more, and shipped it to Oregon yesterday.  24 yards of fabric have left the house (along with a few patterns and some miscellaneous notions.) 

Right:  when I opened the box. 

Henry with proof of mailing.

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AAUW had a hybrid meeting last evening.  The speaker was on Zoom and some members participated by Zoom.  About a dozen of us were there in person.

I was among the in-person group. I'm much more confident driving at night after cataract surgery.  

Erika talked about some of the historic garments in the ISM collection as well as current clothing (=fast fashion and the huge amount of global waste).  Synthetic fibers in clothing contribute a huge amount to the microplastics in the ocean.

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International Sisters is finished except for the label.  Barb (MB Services) is a superb long-arm quilter.   The block design is by Preeti (free, here ).   Blocks were made by the ALA Biblioquilters.  I used fabric from the estate sale for the setting triangles, border, and the large batik pieces on the back.  The quilt will be in the silent auction at the ALA Annual Conference in San Diego at the end of June.    

Linking up with Midweek Makers  Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. The swap box looks like fun! You shipped it all the way to Oregon I'm curious where it came from. Interesting program at your AAUW group. And International Sisters is beautiful! I hope it brings in lots of $$ for the ALA group.

  2. Wow you got that quilted fast! What a great finish to a beautiful quilt! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. The swap sounds like such a fun idea but here in Canada the postage costs would be a killer. Your International Sisters quilt is beautiful and I'm sure it will raise a lot of money for the cause.

  4. oh i do like the quilt....very nice!

  5. Love your Int'l Sisters quilt, it's beautiful. The life cycle of clothing is interesting and people should be aware of the waste and pollution. Swap box?! That sounds like fun!

  6. Your Sister's quilt turned out beautifully. It should do well at the silent auction.

  7. Love your sisters quit. May they stand tall and strong. I am thrilled that four of them have your back too :-)


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