Sunday, February 11, 2024

Weekly update, part 2: goals achieved

Goals?  As I type this the Super Bowl is in overtime.  Kansas City won!!!

We've been watching though my attitude is more in line with the Dowager Countess.

Last week I stated my four goals for the month. I'm delighted to report that I've finished 2-4/5 of them.


#1   Commission quilt.   Barb N. made the nine-patches from fabric left over from clothing and crafts that she and her daughter made  in the 1990's. She added the green squares long ago.  She asked if I could finish it so she could give it to her daughter.  

I added the borders.

I used similar vintage (Cranston, Springs, Wamsutta) prints from my stash for nine-patches to make the back larger.  

Quilted with the serpentine stitch and bound with another 80's print.   

Barb picked it up on Tuesday.

#2   I'll be part of a blog hop sponsored by Villa Rosa.  My day is March 18.    VR sent five patterns of which we are to make one of our choice.  My goal is to make all five, and I have four to the flimsy stage -- in other words, 4/5 of the goal. 

#3    The ALA Biblioquilters made International Sisters blocks (pattern by Preeti here).  I completed the flimsy just as the game ended. 

I auditioned a dozen fabrics for the border.  I looked on another shelf and the unexpected was the solution.

There are four more blocks that I'll piece into the back.

Busy week ahead with the first cataract surgery on Wednesday.  

Linking up with Sew and Tell  Oh Scrap!  Design Wall Monday 


  1. three winners there nann...i sewed, no football whatsoever or what's-her-name either...fingers crossed for wednesday...

  2. I love your Sisters quilt!. It is on my list for some day.

  3. You had an excellent week. Your Sisters quilt is really fun, you found a great border for it. It's always fun when you find the unexpected and it works.

  4. Congrats on the goals and good luck with the eye surgery!

  5. It took me a moment to figure out the faces and hands, but once I did: how adorable!!!

    It was karaoke Valentine's Day/Super Bowl Sunday yesterday at my mom's Senior Living facility, and right before they closed up the karaoke part of the afternoon I led everyone in a rousing sing-along designed to get them in the mood for the game: Take Me Out To the Ballgame.

    Irreverent? Moi??

    Bird 'Pie

  6. The four patch quilt turned out beautifully, Nann! Also the International Sisters - I love those blocks. You're amazing, doing all 5 of the Villa Rosa Designs for the blog hop! Looking forward to seeing them. Best wishes for your cataract surgery - I found it to be a quick and very efficient process!

  7. No super bowl watching in this household for which I was glad. Baseball is our 'thing' and luckily DH doesn't like to watch much else. He likes to know the scores but that's about it.
    Great projects once again!

  8. Lovely projects! That repurposed clothing quilt is extra special!! I hope your cataract surgery goes well!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  9. You have been very productive this week. As we watched the Superbowl, I did hand sewing. There were 2 opinions of who should win. So glad you were able to finish the commissioned quilt. Thinking of you and hoping your surgery has gone well.


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