Friday, February 2, 2024

Friday check in: a month of ambitions


Today is the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.   The Celts called it Imbolc.   German-Americans created Groundhog Day (in Germany they observed badgers rather than groundhogs).   It is also Candlemas, which "celebrates three occasions according to Christian belief: the presentation of the child Jesus; Jesus’ first entry into the temple; and it celebrates the Virgin Mary’s purification."    

Time and Date adds, "Snowdrops (galanthas nivalis) are known as Candlemas Bells because they often bloom early in the year, even before Candlemas. Some varieties bloom all winter (in the northern hemisphere). The superstitious used to believe that these flowers should not be brought into the house prior to Candlemas.  However, it is also believed in more recent times that these flowers purify a home.  

According to folklore, an angel helped these Candlemas bells to bloom and pointed them as a sign of hope to Eve, who wept in repentance and in despair over the cold and death that entered the world. Many Christians see the flower as a symbol of Jesus Christ being this hope for the world. Candles that are lit during Candlemas also symbolize Jesus as the “light of the world,"

No snowdrops here -- but no snow, either!  I've had good walks this week.  Stevens has come with me, too.  

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I have a long to-do list for this short month. (And remember I'm having cataract surgery with the requisite pre- and post-op appointments.)

#1   Vintage Nine Patch

Barb-the-neighbor (not the Barb-the-quilter  or Barb of the the estate sale) asked if I could quilt a top for her. She made the blocks long ago from scraps from garment sewing.  

The green squares are poly-cotton. I'll manage. :)   I found a vintage print for the outer border (inner border is newer but it works).  

 I'll have to piece the back because I don't have any one vintage (or vintage-ish) print that's large enough.  

#2  International Sisters  -- OMG for February

The ALA Biblioquilters have made  Preeti's International Sisters block for one of the 2024 auction quilts.  I need to set them and get started on the quilting.

#3   Wedding Quilt   --  This is in the contemplation stage.  I've pitched an idea to the mother of the bride who commissioned it.  She likes it.  I want to make some sample blocks.


#4  Villa Rosa Blog Hop

I've been invited to participate in a blog hop next month sponsored by Villa Rosa Designs.  We are to make at least one of five specific patterns for our day on the hop.  I read "at least one" as a challenge and I'm going to try for all five.   

I made one (the turquoise and purple) and have pulled fabric for another.  You'll need to come back in March to see what they look like!

Linking up with Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?  Finished or Not Friday OMG at Stories from the Sewing Room     


  1. My goodness - you make me tired just reading about all your projects! The worst part about cataract surgery is the schedule of drops afterwards - that, and having to wait to get new glasses for closeup work until after the healing period.

  2. You are ambitious with all those amazing projects: especially the 5 patterns. I can't wait to see what the wedding quilt will be. Keep us informed on your cataract....I will need one in the future.

  3. It was very interesting to read about Candlemas. I didn't know this tradition and yet my parents brought me up as a good Christian. I'm pretty sure we don't have Candlemas Bells either. Nothing grows out of our snow but Crocus. Sending prayers so your surgery goes well and for a speedy recover. Good luck with your ambitious projects. Take care. ;^)

  4. interesting about candlemas...and the snowdrops....neither snow nor drops here...a commission? do you have more days than the rest of us? LOL...

  5. Enjoyed the trivia bits on Feb. 2. Lots of fun scrappy projects going on!

  6. Thank you for the info on Candlemas Day, I've heard the term but didn't know what it was. Good luck with your goals for February. You have a lot of stitching to do!

  7. Hope your surgery goes well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Good luck with your projects as well.


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