Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 in review: a final flimsy before the Annual Reckoning

 Happy New Year, dear readers!

I came across a small group of short batik strips, 2-1/2" wide.  
Wanda's  latest project provided inspiration.  I made nine-patches, limiting myself to use only the fabric in that group, not cutting any more.  I found a ziploc bag with 2.5" batik squares, just right for the border.   The gold batik background is neutral but not bland.

It's nice to have a flimsy to add to the tally as I present  the Annual Reckoning. 

The backstory:  I began tracking fabric in and fabric out in 1998.  "In" means acquired -- purchased or received as a gift or taken snatched from the guild giveaway table. "Out" means sewn (ideally), given away, tossed out, or otherwise gotten rid of.  

(The scanner is not working so I took a photo. I'm sure there's a way to insert a spreadsheet into the blog but I don't know how to do that.)

I surprised myself with the annual total.  Only 178 yards gained despite all the purchases.  I splurged with full-price fabric at QuiltCon and the Wisconsin Quilt Expo but I got terrific bargains, especially at estate sales.   I didn't sew all 1014 yards used--I gave away a lot. 

The Flimsy Completion Project tab shows that I finished 51 projects!  Those range from mug rugs to bed quilts.  I have enjoyed the challenge of making wheelchair-sized quilts that are about 36 x 44.  

Here are some of my favorites. 

Parquet.  (That's the name of the background print.)

  Borderlands:  Australian and African prints (with a Stonehenge print for the sashes).

Antipodes, made with Australian prints and batiks. 

45 RPM.  (This was accepted in the Wisconsin Quilt Expo.)

The Beacon, made for our church stewardship campaign. ("MUMC: a beacon of God's grace.")    It's 36" square.

A repurposed tote bag became the center of this wall hanging.  Donated to the ALA scholarship auction.

Shining Light, made with African prints from my friend Ellie's estate.  (Eleanor means "shining light.")  I donated this to the Sabbathday Lake Shaker annual auction.  Ellie live on Sabbathday Lake and volunteered with the Shaker community. 

I'm still considering 2024 plans -- I'll post later this week.

Linking up with Oh Scrap!   Design Wall Monday  Sew and Tell

P.S.  Our New Year's Eve entertainment is watching this classic screwball comedy.   61 years old and still funny!  


  1. Okay, why not? Tuning in to that movie (tubi)--it remains to be seen how long I'll last!

    Happy Arbitrary Meridian,

    Bird 'Pie

  2. Happy New Year! I love your Libarian Quilt.

  3. You had a productive year. We've been to the golf course with the W trees a couple of times. Always makes me think of that movie.

  4. you have had a great year - congrats

  5. Happy 2024. I ended the year on a net minus 32 yards which I'm feeling smug about. I can see where some of it has gone from but I'm good for another few years yet.

  6. Your spreadsheet for fabric tracking is impressive, Nann! I enjoyed seeing your beautiful quilt projects for the year. I know you will inspire us lots more in 2024. Happy New Year!

  7. The 9 patch block makes such nice quilts. I like the color you added for the alternate blocks, not in your face, not boring.

  8. What an impressive and successful year you had! Keep inspiring us to use it up!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  9. Lots of wonderful projects! And I love your latest 9-patch, great way to use those batik strips.

  10. Beacon is a beauty! Isn't it amazing that so many of us find ziplock bags with squares, scraps and packs of inspiration :-) Wishing you lots of sewjo in the new year!

  11. I've followed your blog for years and have been been able to expand my quilting and sewing endeavors by purchasing pre-owned fabric and sewing supplies from estate sales and others. Your blog posts have encouraged me to do this. I donate many of my quilts so it helps to keep the cost down. I just recently bought a pattern to make wheelchair quilts with a pocket so I am looking forward to making some of those.

    Looks like setting a sewing space on your main floor will be a work in progress for you, but you may find (or at least I did) when I finally did this, how much more sewing I did. Of course, I can't imagine you being much more productive than you are. I'm always amazed at how much you accomplish.

    I like your spreadsheet and track my in and my out by pounds. However, I have never tracked the entire stash!!!! Oh my, what a job that would be.

    Happy 2024!

  12. I was surprised at you only ending up with a gain of 178 yards because I was sure it would be a whole lot more than that. You amaze me, no matter what the figures show. Happy New Year!

  13. Love the batik flimsy...ooh that gold! Congrats on quilt expo acceptance! A productive year with many pretty quilts!

  14. As a retired Library Associate - I have to agree that I love your Librarian quilt. Great job on all your projects. Congrats and Happy New Year to you!

  15. I wish I could say I only had a gain of 178 yards. LOL I have sewn more and I hope to use more of the stash I have accumulated and not buy as much. We'll see how that goes.
    Happy New Year

  16. Wow! That's quite a spreadsheet! Congrats on all the fabric in and out this year. Your 45 RPM is my favorite out of your list, not many would remember what that is. When I want to post part of my quilty stuff spreadsheet, I use the Snipping Tool in MS Office to highlight the part of the spreadsheet I want to post, then save it as JPG from the Snipping Tool. It's an easy way to take a "snapshot" of Excel to post it on your blog.

  17. Happy New Year! I don't comment often, but I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for the quilt and nature walk eye candy!
    Andrea in MO


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