Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Midweek: the corollary

 McDonald Woods on Tuesday afternoon.  Not much fall color yet. 

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You are well aware of the saying "measure twice, cut once."  The corollary is "design twice, sew once."  

I was reminded of the corollary as I ripped out a half-dozen blocks and replaced them. I did fuss with the block arrangement before I sewed the rows and I did look to see if the adjacencies worked once the rows were sewn -- but when it came to sewing the rows together I saw too-much-of this or too-much-of-that.   Now I feel better!   Blocks are 6" finished so this is 60 x 72.  4-1/2 yards used.  

Linking up with Midweek Makers and Wednesday Wait Loss       

Thanks for the shout-out, Jennifer! 


  1. Great deer photo! Love the look of your quilt top, too. It does always seem to happen that if you move one block, you have to move more!

  2. Oh how I love that quilt! Just so pretty!!!

  3. You're most welcome! ❤️ Love this pretty little scrappy top. I don't know how it looked before, but the final result seems well worth the effort. Bravo! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. This is such a wonderful scrappy quilt top, and a harmonious blending of the colors. Great job!

  5. Could you give me a quick instruction on making those blocks? I really love how that looks, and a great way to use up scraps!

    1. 6.5" square cut diagonally. 1.5" x 10" strip. It's helpful to center the strip on the hypotenuse of the triangle. On half the blocks press the seams outward and on half the blocks press inward so that they will nest. Trim the pressed block to 6.5".

  6. I know all about seeing things you wish you'd done differently. Yesterday I finished (or thought I did) the denim landscape and now I'm going to go in and add a few more details.

  7. Autumn color seems to be a bit slow showing up this year., but even so it looks like you had a very pretty walk. It's so hard sometimes to see all the things that group when you've got them up on the design wall. Looks like you found the balance.


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