Sunday, September 10, 2023

Weekly update, part 1: guild challenge reveal

 This was an eventful week -- Labor Day Monday (covered in my last post) followed by Zion Woman's Club at noon Tuesday, then P.E.O. that included the state officer's visit with an officer's workshop, dinner, and the chapter meeting.  (The state officer is my longtime friend Fran.  Everyone enjoyed meeting her and her advice to us was very helpful.)  

The quilt guild met Wednesday evening.  Time for the big challenge reveal!  I was challenge coordinator.  The prompt was Check It Out. Each participant got a fat quarter of the same red-checked fabric and had to use some or all of it recognizably on the front of the quilt.  Maximum perimeter 144" (36" square or any variation).   19 out of the 28 who signed up entered a finished quilt.  

Members voted for their first, second, and third favorites. 

 Marge's Sunbonnet Sue panel won first prize. 

Nancy's swirling lone star won second prize.

Cathy's vegetable garden won third prize.   

And here's mine.  

If it looks somewhat familiar that's because it's the second edition, revised, of this wall hanging

The first edition went for $400 at the ALA scholarship auction.  I'm going to enter the second edition in next year's auction.

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Next post:  Great Wisconsin Quilt Show report!

Linking up with Oh, Scrap!  Sew and Tell Design Wall Monday


  1. it's always interesting and fun to see interpretations of a theme.

  2. Nice variety of quilts in the challenge. On some I really had to look closely to see the red and white check. Sounds like a busy week -- fall is almost here and everything that took a break over the summer has started up again.

  3. Nann, I want to know you!
    Love your work and your outside interests. (I'm a PEO, too.)
    The comment on the librarian quilt is priceless.
    Sharon M in NH

    1. Sharon, I'd be happy to chat but you are "no-reply" so I don't have your e-mail address.

  4. Your "check it out" entry is wonderful! Love libraries, librarians, and BOOKS!


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