Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Weekly update, part 2: a finish and a flimsy


NOTE:  see previous post for wildflowers and forest preserves.

I went to the ophtamologist yesterday (hence this delayed post).  My corneas are reshaping gradually, which is good. My next appt. is in October.  

Zippers is quilted and bound.  

The back is a cheater cloth print from the 2022 birthday stash bash.   

The blue/yellow/green combination of the backing fabric was still in my mind when I paged through one of Joan Ford's Scrap Therapy books.  One of her designs featured this arrangement of those colors and I used them, too.  However, I didn't have enough of any one green print for the whole quilt .   I used three.  From book to cutting table to design wall to flimsy in three evening sessions!  

Blue/yellow units are 5" unfinished. Inner sashing is 1.5" unfinished and blocks are 10.5" unfinished.  Outer sashing is 2"unfinished and border is 3" unfinished.

Mixed greens with blueberries and....bananas?

Turns out I'm not too late to link up with Design Wall Monday  and Oh Scrap!


  1. I love that new flimsy, such a great combination of color and design. So good that your eyes are getting back to normal. My first appointment with the retina specialist is in three weeks, hoping for some good news that my issues can be dealt with.

  2. It's taken me all of today to add the borders to the front of a quilt and not quite piece the back for it. I don't think three evening sessions would get me anywhere near a finished top.

  3. Two really pretty quilts. You're on a roll!!


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