Tuesday, July 13, 2021

WHCLIS remembered


Thirty years ago this week!
The second White House Conference on Library and Information Services was held in Washington, DC, from July 9-13, 1991. I was one of the "library professional" delegates. It was event-filled, exciting, and energizing. It introduced me to federal bureaucracy and politics, as well as the power of advocacy. I was elected (or did I volunteer?) to the WHCLIS Taskforce which provided a wealth of experience and many friends.
(Note the logo: going from books to floppy discs.)

The delegates' tote bags had the same logo as the button. I still have the tote bag, too. I was the co-chair of the 1992 WHCLIST (=taskforce) conference and later edited the WHCLIST quarterly newsletter. Annual conferences were held until about 2001. I went to many (Washington, DC three times; Indianapolis; Santa Clara, CA; Charleston; Little Rock.) I gave the file box with planning and program documents as well as the 1991 delegate binder to the ALA Archives at the University of Illinois.


  1. Wow, it seems like 1991 was only yesterday! What a neat memory! I find I'm telling the young'uns, "so that was before the internet was invented..." They look at me in disbelief!

  2. Very cool. It's sad to report there haven't really been new laws about internet since then.... or shortly after that. We are seeing adds suggesting the laws need to be updated. Don't know if they have changed anyone's minds though.

  3. Seems like only yesterday. Time is flying.


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