Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Midweek: OMG complete and CWRSRP stars

 Regular readers saw this quilt in progress. I'm reposting it now for the One Monthly Goal link up.  The stars and the Yankee/Dutchman's Puzzle blocks were in the Parts Department/Orphans box and demanded to play together.  

You will see the initialism* CWRSRP often in the coming months.   It stands for Civil War Reproduction Stash Reduction Project.  I weighed the CW stash this month and, at four yards to a pound, I have 239 yards.  Here are the first blocks:  50 red/neutral Ohio Stars, 9-1/2" unfinished.  I'm already playing with different settings.  

* An initialism is initials. An acronym is initials that can be pronounced, such as "radar."  

Linking up with OMG Finishes  (thanks, Patty!) and Midweek Makers (thanks, Susan!).


  1. 239 yards! I may not have that much but I have a lot. I have linked a double 4 patch top I have just finished. I am also cutting strips of repro double pinks for a new log cabin project!

  2. I doubt I can match 239 yards but then it’s not a race to see who has the most but how much can you use in quilts! I must remember that! Love what you’ve done in both quilts! Nice block size, not too large but big enough to use up a noticeable amount of fabric!

  3. pretty sure mine is close as well....good start on busting them!

  4. Love your parts department creation. You'd never know those blocks weren't intended to go into the same quilt. Good luck with the stash reduction project. That yardage is going to make a lot of quilts!

  5. Oh goodness that is a LOT of CW fabric! But I love it so I find it perfectly acceptable. Have always wanted to make a CW quilt! Your finish looks great, and I always love the added touch of blocks on the back.

  6. Fun quilt top! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  7. great quilt - what a lot of piecing! congrats
    the backing is awesome.

  8. Hello kindred spirit, lover of 1800's reprints! I identify with that yardage! The quilts i am currently (not) working on are all in that genre.


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