Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Change Game: 2018 results

An email from Val reminded me that it's time to report the results of the annual Piggy Bank Challenge.   Participants save spare change all year and, ideally, use it for a quilting-related splurge 

I have a metaphorical piggy bank. At the end of each day I keep four quarters and five pennies in my wallet. The rest of the change goes into a small stoneware jar. I put all $5 bills and all $1 bills with the Federal Reserve designations B and H (my initials) into the jar. When there are enough coins to roll I do that and deposit them in my savings account. Once or twice a month I also deposit the $5 and $1 bills. It all adds up! I re-set the spreadsheet 7/1/17. As of 6/30/18 I had deposited $96 in coin and $642 in bills. That's $738!   

I will spend some to buy a bolt of batting (that's what I did last year) and some at the PIne Tree quilt show later this month. The rest can sit in the savings account and earn a penny or two of interest.

Here's the link up to other savings stories:  Piggy Bank Challenge 


  1. Wowsers - what a great system! Happy shopping!

  2. Wow! What savings you had this past year! Have fun spending it.

  3. WOW! That is quite a haul. Is there a reason for the $1.05 in change? Just nosiness on my part. . . I love to hear why people do stuff.

    Have fun spending your savings.

  4. Wow! You could be the winner here! That's a lot of savings!

  5. Thanks for sharing and participating Nann. :) :) And congrats on such an awesome about saved. ENJOY!!!


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