Monday, February 24, 2025

Weekly update: orchids, placemats + reading


Our Friday adventure was an outing to the annual orchid show at Chicago Botanic Garden.  

This year's theme is, obviously, India.  

The tickets are timed-entry which helps with crowd control at this very popular show.   I checked out a parking pass at the library which saved us $10.00.  


Regenstein Hall was draped with fabric that evoked saris.   (I was last here in November for the Fine Art of Fiber quilt show.) 

The corridor to the greenhouses featured this display. 

It is impossible to take a bad picture of an orchid.  

The peacock's tail was all orchids. 

Stevens enjoyed it, too.

An orchid-bedecked rickshaw (tuk-tuk). 

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In the studio:    I showed a photo of leftover batik half-rectangles.  I put darks and lights togther and sewed and sewed -- more than 60!   The units are a snap to make using the Split Rects ruler from Studio 180.

Most were 3 x 6 though some were smaller.   Three placemats with more in the works.

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Tommye McClure Scanlin is a tapestry weaver (and professor emerita) who has woven her journals for more than a decade.  Her book features journal, diary, and calendar projects created by more than two dozen fiber artists. They describe their particular medium and their inspiration. 

There is a temperature quilt by a quiltmaker who lives near me (though I don't know her).    Of course I was reminded of the journaling Julies:  Julie in GA  Julie and Julie 

My blog is the closest I've come to keeping a journal. It helps to have specific interests to chronicle (quilts, reading, travel, and so on).  I admire all the fiber artists who document their lives and their reactions to the world in their work.   

Linking up with Design Wall Monday  Oh Scrap Sew and Tell  


  1. What a beautiful orchid show... I like the display in the corridor. Everything looks so lush. Glad you and Steves get out of the house in the crummy weather we've been having. Although today has warmed up quite a bit.

  2. I'm sure the orchid show was lovely... especially in the doldrums of February! Lovely placemats. Thanks for sharing in my Sew & Tell party.


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