Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday check in: spaghetti prep, top-along, and a really good book


Yesterday was spaghetti prep day. Our Rotary Club makes spaghetti dinners (pasta and homemade sauce, green salad and dressing, a roll, and a cookie) to community helpers, shut-ins, and others who would like a home-cooked meal delivered to their doors.  

My job was to buy all the supplies except for the sauce ingredients and the pasta. Chris (upper left center) is in charge of that. He's teaching new member Ted (upper left left).  Harriet and I had salad duty.   Interact Club members helped out.  We used the kitchen at our church (Memorial UMC in Zion). 

Delivery is tomorrow.  Next year there will be quilted placemats to go with each meal!

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I have set up the Singer 301 in the living room because Stevens is having trouble negotiating the stairs to basement (the studio).  I don't want him to fall.   It means I have to decide what I'm going to work on and bring that fabric, ruler, etc. upstairs.  I made all the blocks for Lantern, the February top-along, with the new setup, but I did the layout and block assembly downstairs (design wall and the big sewing table).  

I often have trouble distributing prints to get a good balance and avoid same-fabric-touching. There are 12 fabrics here (plus the background). I labeled them A-L on the pattern and and labeled my blocks A-L.  

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This was recommended at last month's ALA Retired Members Round Table book club.  
Daphne has lived in seclusion in her spacious London apartment furnished in eclectic elegance. Now that she's turning 70 she decides it's time to venture out. She pays a visit to the Senior Citizens Club at the Mandel Community Centre. There aren't many club members (one of them drops dead at Daphne's first meeting). The new social director, Lydia, is tasked with growing the group while dealing with the local council's threatened demolition of the building (as well as the disintegration of her marriage). Daphne welcomes the challenge to put her formidable organizing skill to work. She identifies the talents of the other club members--retired actor Art, former celebrity photographer William, yarn bomber Ruby, born-to-be-wild Anna--and enlists them in not only saving the building but also saving Lydia.

This funny and delightful novel proves that it's never to late to reinvent yourself.

Linking up with  Finished or Not Friday 


  1. i like both versions of lantern....and good book recommendation...oh and i would like to have one of those spaghetti dinners too...need my address?? LOL

  2. Clever, letting someone else solve the distribution headache. Such a cheery top, almost Amish-adjacent in look.

    Bird 'Pie

  3. Lantern is so pretty; you did a super job with the color spacing throughout!! ;)))
    That looks like a really good read...thanks for the review...hugs, Julierose

  4. Ah, so that's what's happening with all the placemats, I had wondered! What a graceful way to add cheer to the gift of a meal!

    So smart to limit trips on the stairs before a terrible fall! I bet the planning what to station upstairs will get to be second nature for you.

    Cheers, Ceci

  5. No shame in labeling. I do it all the time. It saves time. No need to check, count, etc. Simply follow the layout. Thanks for the book recommendation. I am avoid audiobook reader, especially in the studio. This one looks like an uplifting romp.

  6. Lantern is lovely! Great job distributing the fabrics!

  7. I like the Lantern quilt. It's a great one to use tone on tone and little prints. Your color assortment is great.

  8. That's a wonderful outreach program. Our guild does Christmas placemats to send out with the Meals on Wheels deliveries on Christmas day so it's much the same thing.
    Re the basement stairs, you might have to invest in a stair lift to keep him safe. Here in Canada, if they are prescribed by a doctor, they are deductible on income tax as a medical expense so perhaps it's the same where you are.
    Thank you for the book review - hope our library has a copy!

  9. You are so clever to tag the fabric and the blocks. Never thought of that but it makes getting the layout much easier. I love your dark background version. It sings to me. The book sounds like a fun and light read. Thanks for the recommendation. Enjoy! ;^)

  10. Lantern turned out beautifully! The book sounds like it was a fun read.

  11. I especially love this one with the dark background. Thanks for sharing before my pattern arrives.

  12. I think you did a great job on lantern. that book looks like a fun one!
    Glad you are able to move your stitching to accommodate Stevens.


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