Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Midweek: design rescue in the works


Our AAUW branch met in person last evening. I was happy to go for several reasons -- to see friends, to sell tickets for the holiday raffle quilt, and most of all for the excellent program.  The Dignity Index is a way we can thoughtfully respond to people whose statements and ideas may not align with ours.              from the website: The Dignity Index scores distinct phrases along an eight-point scale from contempt to dignity.  Lower scores (1-4) reflect divisive language while higher scores (5-8) reflect language grounded in dignity.                                                  At our meeting the facilitators (AAUW members from the Batavia-Geneva-St. Charles Branch) provided sample statements for us to evaluate.  It takes practice!     I encourage you to go to the website to learn more. 

In previous years I'd start selling tickets for the holiday quilt at the AAUW-IL fall conference but it was online this year and I wasn't able to attend. (I know there are online auction/raffle platforms but I still can't wrap my head around the logistics.)   Last night's meeting was the last in-person meeting until the holiday party when the winning ticket will be drawn.  

I made the quilt in July.  

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In the studio:   

I've been taken with Wanda's recent sixteen-patch project . I tried the block with the homespuns that have turned out to be my genre-of-the-month.  I alternated the plaids with cream/tan 'regular' fabric.   Pretty blah!  I stared at them for a while and the lightbulb went off.    Tune in again to see what I've figured out. 

Linking up with Midweek Makers and  Wednesday Wait Loss

Thanks for the shout out, Jennifer! 


  1. I love your plaid genre that is going on! Such lovely projects; can't see to where it is all headed!

  2. The above was from JulieKQuilts!

  3. love that red/green delectable mountains...anxious to see more of the plaid project

  4. Popping in real quick before visiting my mom. Haven't gone to the Dignity site yet, but wondering where my favorite statement might fall on their scale: "Bless your heart."

    Bird 'Pie


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