Monday, August 19, 2024

Weekly update: three hikes and a finish


I planned to do the Hike Lake County trails systematically, starting with those farthest away and ending with those closer to home.   That didn't quite work out -- the most-farthest is yet to come -- but we did go to the next-to-farthest as well as two others sort-of-far.  Two on Friday:  Cuba Marsh and Heron Creek.  

Ripe blackberries at Heron Creek.  I left my cap in the car.  If I'd had it I would have harvested more than a handful. 

One on Sunday:   Fourth Lake/Millennium Trail.  This was something of a cop-out because it was mostly an asphalt path through a subdivision.  

A collage of wildflowers from all three sites.

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The Kamala banner was too wide for the front door and the screen door obscured it.  After some finagling to stabilize the edges (leftover molding top and bottom, broken-off yardsticks on the sides) I got it hung from the nail that holds the Christmas wreath. 

The yew bushes need trimming.

The back.   (The cat batik was one of several similar hand-prints from Barb M's ongoing estate sale.) 

I stayed up too late last night reading a good book, so I woke up later than usual, and now I'm late for my shift setting up the church rummage sale.  Gotta go!

Linking up with Design Wall Monday Oh Scrap! Sew and Tell


  1. I'd like to think that the yew branches are reaching out to touch Kamala! Have a great week.

  2. Sounds like a very busy weekend! The banner looks great.

  3. totally understand getting lost in a good read....

  4. Quiltdivajulie - LOVE the Kamala banner!!!

  5. Ooh, I like how you made the Kamala banner a square! I like that much better than a long rectangle. Gives me something to think about! The hiking looks very enjoyable and a good book that keeps you up at night always intrigues me. I'm reading Crow Talk, by Eileen Garvin. Did I get that recommendation from you? If not, I definitely recommend it!

  6. This will be a good week to get in a hike or 2 before the 90+ degree temperature hits on the weekend.

  7. You left us hanging! What was the good book?!

  8. Wow, you produced that Kamala print quickly!


  9. LOVE your Kamala quilt! I think I will make one, too. I am finalizing my plans for the Wisconsin Quilt Show. So yes, I will be there Friday!

  10. Glad you got two hikes in but too bad about not having something to carry more berries.

  11. I've been guilty for weeks of staying up too late


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