Monday, July 8, 2024

Weekly update: back to sewing with stash report and OMG


It's a wildflower wonderland here in northeasternmost Illinois.  We went to Ethel's Woods and Pine Dunes.

Compass plant, false white indigo, monada/bee balm, mountain mint. butterfly weed, show tick trefoil, rattlesnake master, pickerelweed, Culver's root.

Bumblebee on a purple coneflower and a flock of little yellow butterflies.

  The Lake County Symphony Orchestra performed on Thursday evening.   The tuba solo (Strauss's Happy Farmer) was fun. 

  Though we missed the fireworks at the park in Zion the neighborhood was a-poppin' with firecrackers until nearly midnight.  The smell of the powder was heavy the next morning.  

# # # # # #

Here's the stash report for June.  

Fabric IN;  73-1/2 yards, $172.  (Estate sale bargains and an indulgence at a workshop.)         Fabric OUT: 75-5/8 yards.

YTD fabric IN: 1003 yards, $2065.   That's $2.05 per yard!                                              YTD fabric OUT:  616-1/2 yards.

I pieced 48 red-centered string blocks before the San Diego trip.  I assembled them this past week.  I've made thousands of these blocks over the years using the HeartStrings 'pattern' -- fabric foundation (this time a white bed sheet), 9-1/2" unfinished.

I used Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Mountain Majesties earlier this year to make this quilt.  I realized it would be a great design for this year's AAUW holiday raffle quilt.   It's my July One Monthly Goal  

I made more blocks after I took the photo. I'm going to make 50 in all for a 60" x 72" quilt. 

These blocks are a snap to make. I'm going to suggest it to the ALA Biblioquilters for next year's silent auction. [See the previous post.]  Do you have any suggestions for theme or colorway??

Linking up with July OMG Sew and Tell Oh Scrap! Design Wall Monday

P.S.  Our concert selfie.   

  I'm still getting used to having distance vision after 65 years of nearsightednes but, oh, boy, do I need those readers. My post-cataract bifocals have prisms on the top (vertical alignment to avoid double vision) and readers on the bottom.

P.S. 2.  The ALA boxes arrived Saturday. 

The swag (top) included socks and a bandanna as well as bookmarks, pens, post-its, little notebooks, buttons, and stickers.

The books include ARCs (advance reader copies) (July through March) as well as finished (=published) books.    I have read FOUR of them so far.  Book reviews to come!


  1. swag? a steamer trunk's worth...nice haul and plenty of good reading ahead no doubt....i love scrappy mountain majesty pattern....for june maybe RWB? or purples? i was lucky to see fireworks....roller rink next door shooting them off in their big parking out mom's place i found a slew of readers...she would buy them 3 at a time...those and tiny eyeglass repair kits...

  2. PURPLE mountain majesty!

  3. Sorry to be a bit off topic but I'm very interested in your post-cataract experience as I am planning to have mine done in the fall if all goes well. I too have been nearsighted for years (60+!) and can't decide if my replacement lenses should be distance vision oriented or close up. It's a quandary, so your choice and experience is fascinating.

    Regarding the mountains quilt, I have been thinking a lot about one in shades of grey and green but "purple mountains majesty" and our local Blue Ridge makes purples and blues seem alluring. Maybe just make 2?

    Cheers, Ceci

  4. Hi, Nann. It's Barbara Bennett
    I tried to correct and finish my comment but it got marked as done instead. No need to post this one.

  5. I love that string setting. It just vibrates with life!

    Bird 'Pie

  6. The concert sounds fun and your two quilt projects, too! I love string quilts, but it's been a few years since I made one. What size do you like to make the blocks? Lots of fun stuff from the conference - it's like Christmas! Looking forward to your book recommendations!

  7. Scrappy and Majestic - now that is a win-win!!! Also like the string quilt - love how it radiates out.

  8. I really like the layout of your string quilt. And I covet that tote bag with the blue cat! (Sorry to be Anonymous, but gmail won't let me sign in.) Dot in NC

    1. Dot, I'd be happy to send it to you -- I'm writing this way because I don't have your email . . .

  9. Sure wish I still had your energy level! Your plan for the OMG is great, purple mountain majesty is one of those patterns my spatially dyslexic brain can't wrap itself around. The one I attempted a few years ago was an abysmal failure! I'll just enjoy watching your progress.

  10. Wow ... that's a lot of swag! You are set for pens until way beyond the next ALA National meeting. I lived in San Diego area several times while I was growing up. I remember going to Del Coronado for dinner every once in a while. It looks like it is still in beautiful condition. I love the design on your string quilts. I've started making some blocks -- hopefully I can remember your layout and copy it. Isn't copying the sincerest form of flattery? 8-)

  11. What gorgeous wildflowers! I bet that was a great hike
    your Strings are awesome - love that layout
    and wow on the fabric - that is a great in and out - and bargain prices!!

  12. My goodness, it must have felt like Christmas when those boxes arrived!
    I know what you mean about needing readers after cataract surgery. I used to be able to read quite well without glasses and now I couldn't even begin. Small price to pay for better vision overall though.

  13. The wildflowers are so pretty! Your stash metrics are really impressive! You do so well on the thrifty purchases. How do you store all your fabric acquisitions?


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