Friday, July 5, 2024

#alaac24 in San Diego, part 2: the quilts


Note:  read the previous post for my conference report. 

The silent auction was front and center across from conference registration.

They created new signs for the conference -- heavyweight corrugated cardboard -- but they didn't update the text.  The ALABQ did begin in 1998 when Connie and I met at the annual conference in Washington. We began making quilts for the auction in 2000.  Minus the cancelled conference in 2020 and the virtual conference in 2021, that makes it 23 years.

We make the quilts, ship them to the company that handles the conference exhibits, and they do the rest.

Christopher Hoy, for whom the scholarship is named, was the exhibits manager for many years.  The award is $5000.

  I made five of these (45RPM, Batik Diamonds, Chunky Bars, Parquet, Autumn Puzzle) and assembled/set one (International Sisters). I've written about all of them in previous posts.  Susan M. made the daisy runner.  The easels display artwork donated by the people who write/draw graphic novels, also for the scholarship fund.    

Glenda's panel quilts always do well.  Book Love, the scrappy heart, was made by a newbie quilter and group member. 

Knickknacks and Kitty Cats got the highest bid--$550.  

My friend Ray bought my wall hanging (made from a conference tote bag).  In 2019 he was the high bidder for On Ringo Lake.  

TOTAL BIDS:  $4955

My records only go back to 2013. 2013-2024 total raised:  $40,383! 

Linking up with   Finished or Not Friday  


  1. What great quilts, and so wonderful that they fund a scholarship! I enjoyed seeing them. Have never made a bookshelf quilt, but it's long been on my list!

  2. very prolific progress for such a worthy cause....

  3. It looks like you had some fun filled days at the convention and seeing old friends is the bonus.

  4. Your whole trip sounds like it was wonderful. So many interesting people and books. And the quilts are a lovely way to raise some money. The knick knacks and kitty cats quilt is so cute.

  5. Well done with the quilt fundraiser!


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