Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday check in: wrapping up May with a finish + stash report

A cloudless sky yesterday and a quick walk at Spring Bluff, just east of home.   

Lupine, wild rose, spiderwort, cup plant, Canadian anemone, dame's rocket, daisy fleabane.  

Remember the prank call, "Is your refrigerator running?"  Well, ours (new 2019) is not.  I discovered that on Wednesday and promptly called the appliance store. He put us on the schedule and the repairman is coming today.  The man called this morning. He said most likely it's frozen [I guess this is like an air conditioner that 'freezes up'].  We're to leave the doors of both compartments open for 24 hours (tape down the little light switches so they won't be on), then dial 'cold' to the recommended setting.  Hope that works.  It's true that they don't make appliances like they used to!   Fortunately our next door neighbors have a garage fridge that had space for the contents of the freezer compartment and some food.  I filled our two Igloo coolers with ice and the rest of the food.   

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In the studio:    I finished quilting the kit rescue (gotta give it a better name).  

The backstory: I won a mystery kit in the guild raffle at the beginning of May.  It had all the fabric  including a layer cake and 4 yards for the backing.  I chose to make a completely different block and setting.  I used only the kit fabric for all of it.

I'm pleased with the way it turned out. 

I use the serpentine stitch with the walking foot often.

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I don't anticipate acquiring fabric today nor do I anticipate finishing anything, so here's the May stash report.  

The short story:  lots out and more in. Guild rafflemania, two estate sales, one rummage sale, and a Salvation Army bargain.

Fabric OUT, May:  240-7/8 yards

Fabric IN, May: 349 yards, $238.00.  .68 (sixty-eight cents) per yard!

Fabric OUT, year to date:  540-7/8

Fabric IN, year to date:  929-1/2, $1193.00,  $1.28 per yard

I have plans to increase that Fabric OUT category.....come back on Monday for my June goals.  

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday    and Off the Wall Friday

P.S.  Peonies in our back yard. Just one poppy this year!


  1. That is a cute quilt. I love triangles so it caught my eye right away.

  2. I enjoyed hearing all the names of the flora you saw!!! What a pretty kit finish, too. My mom had peonies but they do not grow here very well; I just love yours!

  3. Love your quilt rescue finish. When we thought our 15-year-old+ self-defrosting fridge/freezer was doomed as the freezer iced up horribly. We also turned it off, let it dry out for at least 3 days, and more importantly we pulled it away from the wall, gave the back grid a good dust-off, and ensured that the pipe that runs water (from who knows where) to help cool the condenser is clean and free-flowing. Works perfectly now. Glad about that as the newer fridges are not as big!

  4. You have many beautiful places to walk near you! The kit quilt is a great finish, too - those are neat blocks. Pretty peonies - enjoy!

  5. nice fabric in today? whadda are you on a diet....ROFL....gosh usually poppies take over the garden...maybe something is snacking on them?

  6. Very pretty flowers! Your incoming and outgoing numbers are very, very impressive. I'm on a fabric diet for a while. I need to get a handle on what's in my stash and use a little of it up. I'm out of storage spaces. Happy stitching this weekend.

  7. Really hope the refrigerator solution will work but it sounds rather iffy doesn't it. Kit Rescue turned out wonderfully!


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