Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday check in: some out, more in


Setting up

Our guild hosts Raffle Mania every year.  We bring quilt-related items we no longer need to own.  We get free tickets based on our attendance for the year and can buy additional tickets.   For me:  I brought 100 yards of fabric (batiks, green, red, Christmas, and brown/tan in 2-gal. ziploc bags and the rest of the 30's repros).  I got 12 free tickets and spent $20 for 35 more.  

 I dropped tickets in the bags for the fabric that really appealed to me.  I had tickets left so I dropped them into random bags.  That unscientific technique worked.

Look what I won!  

That's a custom-designed kit at the bottom. Two bags of batiks (different from those I contributed).  A bag of metallic/pastel yardage (kit left over??).  Two stacks of interesting vintage VIP panels (cut-sew-stuff bears, Mr/Mrs Santa, an apron, etc.)  A bag stuffed with black and white prints.   Two 2-yard pieces of 36" vintage paisley prints.

Thai silk. 

By weight, 140 yards.  So on the first of the month I used 100 and gained 40!

..........Still haven't decided on OMG.  I'll post on Monday.

Linking up with Finished or Not Friday


  1. basically a swap meet with money.....LOL

  2. Wow! Thai silk! The only things I ever won in raffles were a toy train and a pet rabbit my son was in love with. Your prizes are much better (although the rabbit was sweet, I guess).

  3. Very nice exchange. That Thai silk is really pretty. You've got lots of new fabrics to play with.

  4. That is quite the haul, Nann. Hope you had help lugging all that fabric. Thai Silk - now that is inspiration!!!

  5. How fun! I like the look of that kit.

  6. You must live in a wonderful area for fabric-y acquisitions. There's never anything half so much fun where I live, but maybe that might be a good thing!


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